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“Whoa, sister,” Sasha said before I could gravitate toward the stage. “It’s drinking time, then dancing.”

I let her pull me toward the bar, keeping my head to the stage, as I watched Brady get behind the drums. Then the lights dimmed and a spotlight hit the mike in center stage. Finally, Brendan sauntered out. Jeans and shirt tight, long dark hair finger brushed, and dark kohl lining his eyes, he definitely looked the part.

The girls started going wild, and I barely heard Sasha say, “Four shots of tequila, and two tequila sunrises,” before the music started up and I couldn’t hear anything else.

I felt Sasha tap my shoulder and turned. She pointed at the shots on the bar and said, “Go.”

Never one to drink more than the occasional alcoholic beverage, I nodded and followed her lead.

With two shots burning my belly, and a surprisingly delicious Tequila Sunrise in my hand, we waded through the sea of bodies to where Gaby and Shelly were holding a table off the side of the dance floor. I realized it was the same table I’d seen them at the night that I’d met Brock again. They must have it reserved or something.

I was halfway through my drink when the music changed tempo and the girls dragged me on to the dance floor. I maneuvered close to the stage, so I could watch Brock play as I danced. He was so sexy as he stood there, his right foot resting on a speaker, eyes closed, and his fingers moving quickly as he played his guitar. His eyes opened and he saw me. His mouth turned up in a grin and he gave me a wink that I felt all the way to my toes.

Another round of shots and fresh Tequila Sunrise later, and I was right back on the dance floor, watching Brock play. I was wondering if I was bothering him, or freaking him out by standing here, and thinking I would have to ask him later, when I felt someone tug on my arm and turned to see that my sister had finally made it.

“Hey,” I shouted at her over the music, but it was so loud that although I saw her mouth the word back, I didn’t hear anything.

Sasha saw Abigail and jumped up and down excitedly, then took us each by the hand and dragged us to the bar. I guess she’d found another victim. Next thing I knew I was downing two more shots,

and beginning to lose feeling in my lips.

Back on the dance floor, I moved to what I hoped was the beat, as I allowed myself to bask in the feeling of blissful joy. I was there with my sister, and not just one, but three girl friends, something I’d never had … And my boyfriend, he was in the band. I laughed out loud to myself, not even caring that I probably looked like a loon, as I thought of me, straight-laced, uptight, and always proper, Victoria, having a boyfriend who was in a band. Not a marching band, or a polka band, but a Rock & Roll band.

Who’d have thunk it?

It suddenly registered that the music had stopped. Abigail pulled me off the floor and I looked around to see Brock and Brady talking by the stage exit. Then my eyes swung left, and I saw that people were starting to pack up the T-shirts and C.D.s that they’d been selling.

“Oh, I want to buy a shirt before they pack up,” I yelled at Abigail, dragging her toward the merchandise. I thought it would be cool to have a T-shirt that actually fit me, that I could wear to show. Brock seemed to like to see me in his, so maybe he’d appreciate me wearing one out.

“Can I get a small shirt please. Oh, and a C.D.?” I practically shouted at the lady who was packing up.

Her eyes widened a bit, but she found the items I’d requested and handed them to me.

“That’ll be thirty dollars,” she said, which made me realize that I didn’t have my purse on me, so I ran back to Shelly to ask if she knew where it was. Once she handed it to me, I ran back and paid, holding my purchases to my chest with a smile.

I turned to say something to Abigail, but I lost my words when I saw her looking toward the bar, her face stricken. I followed her gaze and saw Brendan, making out with some bleach-blonde with enormous breasts, right there for the whole world to see.

I shoved my new items in my purse and marched over to Brendan, the steam coming out of my ears surely laced with tequila.

“Hey,” I said loudly, slapping Brendan hard on the back when I got close enough to touch him.

Brendan pulled himself slowly away from the blonde, then turned and shot me a grin over his shoulder. “Hey, Victoria.”

Too drunk to care, let alone process what I was doing I shouted back, “Don’t hey me, you two-timing hussy.”

“Hussy?” Brendan said with a grin, his humor apparent in his tone, which only made me even angrier.

“How dare you cheat on my sister with this woman.” My hands began to shake, I was so furious on my sister’s behalf.

“Victoria,” Abigail tried to get my attention, but I was too angry to listen.

“She’s sweet and fun, and doesn’t deserve the way you’re treating her.”

Brendan turned away from the girl who’d been in his arms and took a step closer to me, his face changing from good-natured to down-right pissed off, and I suddenly realized that he was taller than I’d originally thought.

“I’m not cheating on anyone,” Brendan said through clenched teeth. “Abigail knew the drill before we hooked up.”

I turned to Abigail, who was looking at her shoes, and I suddenly felt the room begin to spin.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance