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The two woman embraced, then turned to me.

“Brock, this is my step-mother, Felicia. Felicia, this is Brock.”

In heels, Felicia came almost to my chin, so I lowered to allow her to do that air kiss thing by my cheek, before taking her hand and giving it a firm shake.

“Nice to meet you,” I said when she took a step back.

Her eyes were sincere when she replied, “And it’s lovely to meet you. Victoria has told me so much about you, and I have to thank you for helping her find her passion.”

Her candor earned her a grin, and I decided, dinner may not be so bad after all.

Victoria and Felicia were chatting, so I looked around and noticed Victoria’s sister, Abigail, was sitting on a window seat, looking out over the impressive landscape. Happy to see not only someone that I’d at least met before, but girl a little more on my level, I walked over to say hello.

“Abby, right?” I asked when I got closer, causing her to turn to look at me. I noticed her frown a second before she recognized me and gave me a saucy grin.

“Well, if it isn’t the hot guitarist from Whisky Heat.” Abigail stood up and gave me a quick hug before pulling back and whispering, “I’m so glad you’re here. Don’t leave me alone with these people.”

I chuckled, because I could tell she expected me to, but I wondered at the sadness in her eyes.

“We are ready to serve, Madame.” I turned in surprise to see a what could only be described as a servant at the door.

“Are you shitting me?” I asked Abigail in a low voice.

Abby replied wryly, “Unfortunately, no.”

“Brock, Abigail, shall we?” Felicia called to us, indicating the doorway, which I assumed led to the dining room.

I crooked my arm and Abigail put her hand through it, then we walked a few feet and I crooked my other arm at Victoria, who played along and did the same. I ushered the girls into the dining room, smiling as they chatted to each other. When we entered the room, there was a tall, distinguished-looking man, with salt and pepper hair and a tight smile standing at the head of the table, speaking with Felicia.

“Brock, this is Victoria’s father, Edward,” Felicia said in introduction.

“Sir,” I said, offering my hand.

He shook it firmly and replied, “Brock.”

Felicia indicated that I should take the seat next on his right, and she took the one on his left. Victoria sat next to Felicia and Abigail next to me. I had the feeling that Abigail tried to sit as far away from her dad and step-mom as she possibly could.

With her short spiky hair, tank top, and jean skirt, she definitely looked like the odd man out in the family. The other three were conservatively dressed, with not a hair out of place, and the same stoic expressions. Abigail looked like she wanted to give them all the finger and run out the door.

Interesting family dynamics.

“So, Brock, tell us about yourself,” Edward said, as a waiter or something, began to give us our salads.

Here goes nothing, I thought, before responding, “I’m twenty-seven years old. My parents died when I was a senior in high school, so I never graduated. Instead I got my GED and became both parents to my brothers. I didn’t go to college, I went to work, because someone had to pay the bills and put food on the table. I worked odd jobs, painting and working on cars mostly, before starting my own painting company. It’s grown into a good business now. One that I plan to work with my brothers, if that’s what they wish, then pass on to any of our kids that want it. I’m a simple kind of guy. Enjoy beer and barbecue. And on the weekends, my brothers and I have a band, and like to sing at local bars. Music isn’t something that I want to pursue outside of that, I have no dreams of being a rock star, but I like the connection I have with my brothers when we play. That’s about it … Other than the fact tha

t I really like your daughter, and am enjoying getting to know what makes her happy.”

Abigail was laughing quietly beside me, Victoria was smiling at me broadly, and Felicia was looking at me with something akin to respect on her face. Edward’s face gave nothing away. I wasn’t sure if I’d pissed him off, or if he’d thought my rambling rude, but I figured I’d laid it all out, and there was nothing left for me to do but enjoy my meal.

So I picked up my fork and began to eat.

“That’s a lot to handle by twenty-seven,” Edward said thoughtfully.

I nodded, and that was it. It was an understanding of sorts, and I could deal with it.

The rest of the meal went smoothly, on my end at least. There were a couple of uncomfortable moments for Abigail, who seemed hell bent on keeping it that way, but overall the conversation was superficial, and the food delicious.

I couldn’t say I wasn’t happy to have the evening come to an end, or that I’d be chomping at the bit to do it again, but overall, it went better than I’d expected. If nothing else it gave me a glimpse into Victoria’s family, and a better understanding of the environment she was raised in.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance