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Shelly looked over her shoulder at me. “No, but I could use a taste tester.”

“I’m your man,” I replied, smiling when she giggled at me. “It’s good to see you so happy, Shel.” I said as I popped the offered pinwheel into my mouth.

She just smiled brightly at me and asked, “Well?”

“Perfect as always,” I replied after I swallowed the bite.

“How are you doing, TJ?” Shelly asked, turning to lean back against the counter. Her eyes searched my face. “I know this is going to be a tough time for both you and Cal. With you losing the apartment, do you need a place to stay? You know you are always welcome here.”

I felt my heart squeeze, not just at her thoughtfulness, but at the reminder that I would once again be homeless.

“That’s sweet, Shel, but I’m not going to intrude on you guys like that. I’ll figure something out.”

Shelly frowned. “TJ … You could never be an intrusion. You’re our friend, our family, you’re always welcome to stay with us.”

I felt my heart begin to pound at her words, and I worried that I would do something totally embarrassing, like start to cry. I shuffled my feet, and looked up eagerly when I heard Sasha heading our way, hoping for a distraction. I should have known better.

“What’s going on in here?” Sasha asked, taking in our expressions when she entered the kitchen.

“We were just talking about the fact that the shop is closing, so not only will TJ and Cal be out of a job, but TJ is losing his apartment. I was telling him he should stay here with Cal and I until he finds a place,” Shelly offered.

Sasha looked at me, and I’m sure she read the panic all over my face, as well as my need to flee this conversation.

“I’ve got that extra bedroom, Shel, so TJ’s gonna stay with me,” Sasha said matter of factly.

What the fuck was she talking about? Sasha and I hadn’t seen each other in a couple weeks, so as far as I knew, this was the first she was hearing of mine and Cal’s plight. I guessed she understood that I wouldn’t want to stay with Cal and Shelly, so she was giving me an out.

“That’s wonderful, Sasha,” Shelly gushed, appeased at the fact that I wouldn’t be living out of a cardboard box.

I skirted my way out of the kitchen, eager to get back to the guys and talk about sports or something.

I was almost home free when Sasha grabbed my arm before I reached the back door. I turned and looked at her. She looked serious, all evidence of the early flirting and joking gone.

“I mean it, TJ, I have an extra room. This is the first I’ve heard that your shop is closing, and I’m sorry. I know you, TJ, and I know that you won’t consider staying with Cal and Shelly because they’re just getting things worked out, and now that Scott and Victoria,” she said Victoria’s name with a grimace,” are still getting married, you won’t want to stay there … I don’t think you would even ask Gaby or me, so I’m offering … Stay with me.”

I cocked my eyebrow at her and prepared to say something sarcastic to lighten the situation, but she put her hand up to stop me. “Don’t. All joking aside, you’re one of my best friends, TJ. You need a place to stay, and I have extra room. It makes sense. Stay with me until you get on your feet.”

“I don’t want to be some bum on your couch, Sasha,” I replied honestly. “What if I have a hard time finding another job, and can’t pull together enough cash to get a new place anytime soon? I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage, or you to start to feel like I’m wearing out my welcome.”

“So how about we set a time limit? How long do you think it’ll take for you to find another place? How long would you be comfortable staying with me?” Sasha asked.

I closed my eyes, unable to believe that I was going to take Sasha up on her offer. I hated to feel like a burden, especially to my friends, but I didn’t really have any other choice.

“Twenty-one days,” I replied, opening my eyes and looking into hers. “I’ll be out of your hair in twenty-one days.”

Sasha nodded and gave me a big smile, turning to go back to Shelly. I caught her arm, waiting for her to turn and look me in the eye again before saying, “Thanks, Red.”

Chapter 4 – Sasha

I took the throw pillows off the bed and put them neatly in the chest at the foot of the bed. I slid my hands along the dark bedspread, smoothing it out and enjoying the feel of the material underneath my hands, as I looked around the room and smiled. Not too girly, but neat and put-together enough to feel welcoming. I hoped TJ would be comfortable here, whether it was for one night, or twenty-one.

I picked up the air freshener, spraying a few more squirts of the apple-cinnamon scent then walking out and closing the door behind me. The rest of my place was clean as usual, but I’d wanted to change the bedding and make sure everything was ready for TJ to move in. It had been a long time since anyone used the guest room, other than one hot night with a bouncer I’d brought home from a club, so I wanted to make sure that it felt fresh and clean.

I padded barefoot through my house, tiding up and spraying the air freshener as I walked. I’d only spoken to TJ briefly since the BBQ at Shelly and Cal’s, and I’d told him to meet me here by six, so I could give him a key and make sure he was settled before I went out on my date tonight. I was meeting one of my competitors for dinner and drinks, and, although I hated leaving TJ alone on his first night, I couldn’t afford to lose my edge with Clark.

I was checking my hair and makeup in t

he mirror when I heard a knock at the door.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Time for Love Romance