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“Sure,” Kara laughingly responded to Briana’s retreating back.

Briana parked and ran into the store, looking for Colin through the aisles. She stopped at the counter where Rich was making a shake for a little boy. He looked up at her and she mouthed, Colin? He pointed his head toward the back office and she gave him a huge grin before she went through the door to the back.

She found Colin sitting at the desk when she walked in. He was starting at the computer, a notepad in front of him and a pencil in his mouth, His brow was furrowed in thought.

He looked adorable.

She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. He jumped, then smiled and leaned back to nuzzle her neck.

“Well, this is a nice surprise,” he said in between kisses along her jaw.

His hair smelled spicy and delicious. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel and smell of him.

“I have some good news,” she whispered

He turned in his chair so he could face her. “I’m always ready for good news.”

“I just got off of the phone with the culinary school. I’ve been accepted to start in the fall.” She said it so quickly that by the time she got to the end of the sentence her voice was a few octaves higher than normal.

“That’s awesome,” he replied, pulling her in for a quick kiss on the lips, his pride in her evident on his face. “I knew they’d accept you. It’s so great that your dream is coming true.”

“I’m so glad you think so, ‘cause I’m super excited.” Briana squealed and gave him another quick kiss. “I’m gonna tell Pam tonight. I know it’s too soon to give notice, but I don’t want to keep it a secret. I want to tell everyone. And I want her to have a chance to hire someone else that I can train before I go.”

“I’m sure she’s going to be thrilled for you,” he assured her. He held her hands in his, looking up into her beaming face. “I love you, Bree.”

Briana’s mouth formed an O and her expression changed from excitement to surprise, and finally to happiness.

Colin continued talking before she could say anything. “I know now may not be the best time. You’ve just started to trust in me again, and it may seem too soon, but I swear, I’ve never stopped loving you. These last few weeks having you back in my life have been the happiest of my life, and I don’t want another moment to pass without you knowing that.”

Tears began to form in Briana’s eyes. She felt lighter, happier, than she ever had. It seemed like things were finally turning out the way she had always hoped they would.

“But I’m leaving for Austin.”

“That’s okay,” he tried to reassure her. “Austin isn’t that far. We can see each other on weekends and stuff. Don’t worry about that, we’ll work it out.”

She smiled even wider and nodded her head once in affirmation.

“I love you, too.” she exclaimed.

Colin beamed at her, bringing each of her hands to his lips. They heard a throat clear and jumped at the interruption.

“Sorry,” Colin’s father said gruffly. “I needed to get something off of the desk. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

“You could never intrude, Mr. Grayson,” Briana said as she bounced over to him and gave him a hug. “I have to get to work, anyway.” She looked over her shoulder and winked at Colin. “I’ll see you later.”

Colin’s father chuckled and patted her back. “It’s good to see you two so happy again.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and bounded out of the office. She was a little early for her shift, but that gave her time to talk to Pam, so it worked out perfectly.

Just as everyone predicted, Pam was as excited about her attending the school as she was, and she was happy that Briana would be able to train a new short order cook before she left.

When she was in the break room clocking in and putting up her stuff, Kara and Pete came in laughing and holding hands.

“Close your eyes, Bree,” Kara instructed. “We have a surprise for you,”

Briana glanced between them with suspicion, but did as she was told.

She heard the sound of shuffling feet and muffled voices and couldn’t keep a smile from forming.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Friends & Lovers Romance