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“Don’t take it personally, Pete,” Briana said quietly to him.

“I don’t,” Pete replied. “I’ve known Kara a long time, Bree, and I know that she thinks that she can’t have a serious relationship because her mother never could. But she’s wrong.”

“Her mother’s a bitch, and Kara is nothing like her. But you’re right; she doesn’t think that she’s relationship material.”

“I’m a patient guy,” Pete said with a sad smile as he watched Kara pull Rich towards the water. “I can wait. I plan to be there when she realizes how much she has to offer.”

Briana looked over at him and put her hand up to ruffle his hair. “You’re the sweetest guy I know.”

“I know,” he said with a laugh, looking pointedly around. “But that’s not saying much.”

She laughed with him and punched him goodheartedly in the arm. “These guys aren’t so bad,” she replied.

They watched Kara and Rich splashing in the water until it became too much for Pete. He excused himself to go help Kent with the food.

Briana laid back on her blanket, eyes closed, soaking up the sun. After a few minutes she felt a shadow pass over her, as someone sat down on the blanket next to her. She

knew it was Colin even before she opened her eyes. It was like her senses were still attuned to him and every nerve in her body stood at attention when he got close.

“Hey, Bree, I hope you don’t mind that Rich invited me here today,” he said in a quiet voice.

She didn’t open her eyes. “It’s a free country.”

He let out a deep sigh and tried to look out at the water, but all he wanted to do was take in the sight before him. Briana’s small frame was tanned and perfectly proportioned. He felt his body tightening as his eyes wandered, and he forced his gaze back out.

“I realize that, Bree, but I don’t want to ruin your party or anything. I haven’t done much since I’ve been home and when Rich invited me, it sounded like a good time. But I’m not trying to piss you off.”

Briana peeked up at him. Then, realizing he wasn’t leaving, she sat up and turned towards him.

“It’s a small town, Colin. We’re bound to run into each other. We still have a lot of the same friends. You should feel comfortable going and doing whatever you want. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be okay.”

“Cool,” he said with a small smile, his dimples flashing. “I’m glad to hear you say that. I know I ended things badly, Bree, but, shit, I was just a kid. I’m sorry.”

Briana looked out over the water. “Look, Colin, I know we’ll run into each other, but that doesn’t mean that I want to rehash everything that happened four years ago. I’m not ready to be your buddy.”

With that said she stood up to leave. As she walked down to the water she heard him say, “I’ve really missed you.”

She ran and dove in, trying to swim as far away from him and his damned words as she could.

Chapter Seven

Briana was sitting on the couch, drinking coffee and watching E News the next morning, when Rich poked his head out of Kara’s bedroom.

“Walk of shame, Rich?” Briana asked with a chuckle, not looking away from the TV.

“Shit. I was hoping you’d still be asleep, Bree.”

“No such luck, Romeo.”

He walked out with his pants slung around his hips, still unbuttoned, and his shirt in his hand. Briana looked back briefly and turned away when she saw his six pack rippling and started to inadvertently follow his happy trail with her eyes.

“Can you put your shirt on?” she pleaded.

He smiled at that and cocked his head to the side as he strolled over to her.

“What is it, baby? See something you like?” Rich could flirt in any situation, no matter how awkward or inappropriate. It was part of his charm.

“Been there, done that,” she retorted.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Friends & Lovers Romance