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I couldn’t believe he just said that. What did it mean? Did he want to hang out as friends? Did he want to reboot what we’d started in Chicago?

Not wanting to make too much of a big deal over his confession, I closed my mouth to normal proportions and admitted, “I missed your face too, and yes, I’d love to grab lunch. Oh, but the papers are at the flower shop.”

“That’s okay, I’ll follow you there then we can take my car to drop the papers with Reardon, then go to lunch.”

“Sounds perfect.”

I resisted the urge to look back at my parents’ house as I got into my car and drove away, Dillon pulling out behind me.

To say I was disappointed would be an understatement, but if I was honest with myself, I wasn’t terribly surprised. They’d never had my back growing up, so I don’t know why I always expected them to change.

I was relieved and grateful, albeit a smidgeon embarrassed, that Dillon came to my aide when he did.

To think I’d held the power this entire time, but had still been letting my parents dictate my future, was humiliating. But, at least I knew now, and could begin moving forward, just as I’d hoped when I’d gone to their place this morning.

Sure, it wasn’t with their backing, and I’d basically been disowned, but I found that I was leaning more toward relieved than devastated.

Didn’t I promised myself I’d keep toxic people out of my life?

Unfortunately, my parents had always been the most toxic… which was probably why I’d stayed with Travis as long as I did. He treated me the same way they always had. Like I was worthless. Expendable. Stupid.

I shook off those residual feelings and checked my rearview mirror.

He’s still behind me.

I didn’t bother hiding my wide grin as I checked him out. I couldn’t believe he’d been calling to ask me to lunch, but I was so happy that he reached out. Because I wouldn’t have, no matter

how badly I wanted to.

I promised myself to take things as they came, to not overthink things, and see how they played out, as I parked and got out of my car.

I waited as Dillon pulled up by the curb and rolled down his window.

“Do you want to come inside?” I asked, wondering if I could lie and say they were actually up in my apartment, so I could get him alone.

Focus, Laurel.

“Better not, so we have time to hit Reardon’s and get a bite before I have to get back,” he replied, and I nodded, although somewhat regretfully. Dillon must have read my mind, because he shot me a sexy grin and said, “Maybe later tonight, after I get off?”

I grinned back and said, “Sounds good. Be right back.”

I hurried inside and into the back office, grateful that I’d gotten my organizational skills from my father and knew right where I had the documents. Once I had them in hand, I went back out to the front and asked, “Everything good?”

Lisa looked up from her phone, then swiveled her head to take in the empty storefront.

“Yup, it’s been this quiet all day.”

“Don’t worry,” I said, clutching the paperwork to my chest. “Once the business loan gets approved, we’ll be going forward with party planning and things will get much busier around here. Plus, we have the shower to work on this weekend.”

“They said yes?” Lisa asked, her face conveying her excitement. I’d hired her when I took over, so she knew all about my struggles with my parents.

“It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you later. I have to run these over to the lawyer, and I’ll be back after lunch.”

“Hot date?” she joked, since I’d never had a lunch date since I’d been back.

I could tell I shocked her when I replied, “Yup.”

I hurried out the door with a laugh as I heard her call out behind me, “What? Wait, you have a date?”

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance