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It had been Gabe’s idea to play Truth or Dare, and as usual, we all went along with Gabe. He was our leader of sorts, and we usually ended up doing whatever he wanted. It helped that he always had cool ideas.

Although, now that we were getting older I was wishing we hung out with more girls that weren’t family. And Laurel. The last couple times I’d seen her, I’d noticed how long her hair was getting, and how much blonder it was in the sun.

And when we arrived at the springs, I couldn’t help but notice the way she was beginning to fill out her bathing suit, as she shimmied out of her jean shorts and t-shirt.

For the first time ever, I found myself hoping someone would dare us to kiss. Lord knew I could never kiss her on my own, but if it was a dare, then I could do it without getting a charley horse from my sister.

But of course, when I chose Dare, Gabe dared Jazzy and me to a swim race, and by the time we got back, with me as the winner, it was time to go home.

Laurel’s cheeks reddened slightly, and her lips turned up with pleasure at my compliment.

“Thanks. Are you ready, or would you like to finish your drink? I can order something…” she trailed off when I shook my head and stood.

“I’m ready,” I assured her, then placed my hand at the small of her back and led her out of the bar, through the lobby, and out of the hotel. “I hope you’re hungry, I was able to get us in to Alinea, in the Salon.”

“Oh, I haven’t heard of Alinea, is it good?” she asked as I helped her into the waiting Uber.

Once I settled in next to her and confirmed our destination with the driver, I turned to her and explained, “I’ve only been there one other time, and we were in The Gallery, not the Salon, but it was an experience unlike any other I’ve ever had. You have to see it to believe it, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

“Well, in that case, I can’t wait,” Laurel said, pulling out her compact to check her makeup.

I watched her face as we walked inside and were seated. She was so expressive, so full of wonder at everything around her, that I found myself anticipating her reaction to each of the fourteen courses we’d be experiencing that evening.

“We’ll take the wine pairing,” I said, looking to Laurel for agreement, then smiling when she nodded.

After the first course, the Trout Roe, was delivered, Laurel brought her bright eyes to mine and exclaimed, “That’s the most gorgeous dish of food I’ve ever seen. I’m almost afraid to eat it.”

“Just wait,” I assured her, “Each dish is more amazing than the last.”

In between magnificent dishes, I asked her about herself mostly, the time when she did not live in Cherry Springs, noting that she skirted over the issues with her ex.

I knew that what Jasmine had told me had been in confidence, and could tell that Laurel wasn’t ready to tell me about her asshole ex herself. So, I allowed her assumption that I knew nothing about Travis to stand, and decided to keep the evening light and enjoyable for her

. We could always get into the details of her relationship later, when Laurel was ready to discuss it.

“I took a job working as an assistant to one of the largest wedding coordinators in Houston, and although I learned a ton from her, I knew I wanted to open a business of my own. So, I saved my money and sucked everything I could from that job. I have at least a dozen notebooks filled with ideas and notes about what did and didn’t work.”

“Well, from what I’ve seen, you have a solid plan, and, like I said, I think Cherry Springs will love taking advantage of what you’re going to offer.”

“Thanks, I can’t tell you how much I value your opinion,” she said, and I could tell that she meant it.

And for some reason, not only did her words warm me deep inside, but I realized that I was beginning to like everything about this night. About Laurel. The way she dressed, the way she enjoyed the moment, and especially the way she looked at me.

Had she always looked at me like that?



I felt like I was floating on a cloud.

Although I knew it wasn’t actually a date, it sure felt like one. No, there were no flowers, or moments of subtle touching, but the restaurant was amazing … magical … and the conversation was wonderful.

I couldn’t think of a time when Dillon and I had ever sat down together, just the two of us, and had an honest-to-goodness conversation. I loved it, and was having the best time, so when Dillon asked if I wanted to stop in the hotel bar for a drink after dinner, my answer was a resounding yes.

Dillon put his hand on my lower back again, guiding me inside, but rather than going to the bar, he led us to a booth away from the few patrons in the place.

I tried not to swoon at the ghost of that hand but I couldn’t seem to help myself. Dillon treating me like a woman, a lady, rather than an annoying friend of his sisters was enough to break down all of my defenses and leave me in a puddle at his feet.

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance