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“Yeah, we’ve talked about comics and stuff a little bit, but I didn’t tell him about all of this.”

“He’s going to love it,” she said, turning to me, her smile huge, and that look … that look … caused my heart to tumble out of my chest and hit my natural wood floor.

I cleared my throat, suddenly uncomfortable, but eager to do what I’d invited her over here to do and clear the air.

“Would you mind sitting for a minute?” I asked, pointing to the dark leather loveseat and chair I had situated in what I called my “reading corner.”

Uncertainty flickered over her features, but she simply said, “Of course,” and crossed to sit on the loveseat.

I settled into the chair and leaned forward, resting my forearms on my thighs.

“The last couple of times we talked, you’ve hinted at feeling like maybe I didn’t like you, or that there were some residual feelings over what happened between you and Gabe…”

Chloe’s face closed up, but she gave a slight nod, so I cleared my throat again, unable to hide my nerves, and continued.

“I know I came off strong at first, but I hope you realize it was because I was not only acting as Gabe’s lawyer, but wanted to make sure that my cousin wasn’t being played.” When she flinched I hurried on, “No offense, really. It’s just that we didn’t know you and you were claiming that he had a teenage kid he’d never heard about. I’m sure you understand that I was initially skeptical, but, since finding out that Chris is Gabe’s and getting to know him, and you, I hope you can forgive my initial reaction.”

When she didn’t immediately respond, I went on, “Christopher’s a wonderful kid; we love getting to know him. Really, he became a member of the family as soon as the tests came back positive, even sooner than that for Gabe, who knew after one look at him after your visit to the camp, that Chris was his.”

Chloe nodded, and I knew that she and Gabe had already had conversations about this.

“The same can be said for you, Chloe. Since I’ve gotten to know you, I’ve learned what a funny, warm, compassionate person you are. You’ll do anything for your family, and you’ve worked really hard to provide your son with a wonderful life.”

“Thank you,” she said, her voice low and a little gravely, as if she were fighting back tears. “That means a lot.”

“What I mean to say, is that I don’t want you to think that I don’t like you, or that I harbor resentment against you. The opposite is true, actually. I really do like you, and I’ve loved getting to know you.”

Chloe gave me a smile and tilted her chin, and I felt the tension that had been winding through me uncoil.

“I like you too, Reardon, more than I thought I would,” she admitted with a small laugh. “I know things are complicated, with the ways our family is weaving itself together, but I’m really grateful to be able to call you a friend.”

Shit, she totally just put me in the friend zone, before I even had a chance to ask her out, I thought, as I wondered if it would be weird for me to ask her out anyway.

“I don’t know a lot of people here,” Chloe continued, “just your family really, and most of them still view me as a witch for keeping Chris from Gabe for so long, so it really means a lot to me that you just said all that. I have my sister, of course, but she’s busy with the wedding and getting ready for the baby, so I could really, really use a friend right now.”

My heart jumped up off of the floor and secured itself back

in my chest, a little worse for the wear, and, frankly, bruised.

“Of course, you can come to me with anything,” I replied, then stood up and offered her my hand. “What do you say we go finish dinner so we can eat, then I’ll take you on a walk around the complex.”

“Sounds perfect,” she said, and I swear, I didn’t watch her ass as she walked out the door ahead of me.

Because, we’re just friends … Ugh.

Chapter Ten ~ Chloe

“Are you sure you’re up for this today?” I asked my sister, who was currently fighting with the straps of her maternity bathing suit.

“Totally,” she replied, her tone sure, even though her face was scrunched up. “I’ve just never worn this thing. I didn’t expect it to be so complicated.”

“Here, let me,” I offered, taking a step toward Zoey, my arms outstretched.

“I think it will be nice for us all to take a little break from all of this wedding madness, and all of the changes we’ve been experiencing, and just enjoy a relaxing day at the springs. I’m excited,” Zoey gushed as I righted her straps. “From what Gabe’s said, they’re beautiful, and I’ve been wanting to go; things have just been so hectic.”

“Okay,” I said in surrender, having been trying to opt out of going with everyone to the springs since Zoey had brought it up. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend the day at the water with my sister, and things had been getting better with Gabe’s family, I just still felt like an outsider whenever I was with everyone at once. “I’ll come, but I’m taking my own car, so I can leave when I want.”

“Deal,” my sister replied, her grin wide. “You can follow behind Gabe and I.”

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance