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“You’re nuts,” he said between breaths, and I just smiled up at him, happy to have this part of our relationship back.

But now it was even better.

“I love you,” I said, stepping up to give him a kiss.

“Let’s get a drink,” he suggested against my lips.

“Okay,” I said, and he led me into his family bar.

As my eyes tried to adjust to the low lights of the room, I looked around, instantly falling in love. Deep, rich wood surfaces, low music in the background, loud enough to hear it was classic rock, but soft enough so you could have a conversation with the people you were drinking with. The decorum was just how Gabe had described it, half biker bar, half sports bar, and a hundred percent welcoming.

My eyes caught his mother’s behind the bar, and I watched as she took in our clasped hands, then the traces of laughter that were still on Gabe’s face, and I swore, I saw her soften toward me a little. She may not trust me yet, but it was obvious that she loved her son like crazy, so I had every confidence that she’d come around, just like Gabe said.

“I’m gonna go say hi to Dad in the back, you wanna come?”

“No, that’s okay, I’ll meet you at the bar,” I said, indicating the empty stools next to Reardon.

“Grab me a beer?”

“You got it,” I replied, then lifted my chin so he could kiss me.

He didn’t disappoint, and when he walked away, he left me a little dazzled.

Once I had my wits about me, I bellied up to the bar and asked Reardon, “Did Chloe come?”

“No,” he replied, turning his face toward mine. “I asked, but I could tell she was feeling out of place. She stayed back with Chris.”

“That’s too bad, but I know she’s been anxious about getting some time with him. Things are still a little strained between them.”

“He’s a good kid, just needs time.”

“Yeah, he is … and I feel bad for her, even though I understand where Chris is coming from. We were all pretty mad at her.”

“What about your folks?” This was asked by Annabeth as she sauntered over to us.

“My folks?”

“Yeah, did she keep the fact that Gabe was Chris’s father from them too?”

I swallowed, knowing that Annabeth deserved answers to her questions, but feeling guilty for talking about my sister behind her back.

“She didn’t tell any of us.”

“How do they feel about that?”

“Well, Mrs. Lewis, my parents aren’t like you and your husband. They’re a little more … distant. They are more concerned about each other than anything Chloe and I do. When she told them, they didn’t have much of a reaction. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really make a difference to them, since it doesn’t affect them.”

“Seriously?” Annabeth asked, her face full of shock, and I felt the need to defend my parents.

“It’s not that they don’t love us … and Christopher … they’re just a little careless, that’s all.”

“Careless? I can’t imagine not worrying about my child and wondering why they felt the need to keep such a thing a secret.”

“Well, Mrs. Lewis…”


“Annabeth,” I amended. “Not to be rude, but I think your questions involving Chloe, Chris, and Gabe, should be answered by them. I’m not really comfortable speaking for my sister. And since I found out the same time Gabe did, I don’t know much more than him, but I do know my sister. And I can promise you, Annabeth, that everything she’s done in her life has been for her son. I know she feels bad for keeping her secret, but I’m certain she did what she felt was right at the time.”

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance