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ould be good to have her there when I come home.”

“Speaking of, when are you going to make Cherry Springs your home base again?” Reardon asked.

Gabe looked at me, his expression soft, and shrugged.

“I guess we’ll see what happens.”

Suddenly feeling the pressure and uncertainty of our lightning-speed relationship, I hopped up, gathered my trash and said, “I’ll see you both at the bonfire.”

Gabe grabbed my wrist before I could dart off and asked, “You okay?”

“Yup, peachy,” I lied, then scampered off to get a little alone time and figure out what the hell I was doing.

Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Gabe

I knew I’d freaked Zoey out with my honesty. So I decided to lay off on being so vocal about my intentions and give her a break during the bonfire. She already knew where I was coming from, and what I wanted, so I figured we could just enjoy the moment, and not focus on what was going to happen tomorrow.

At first, I was worried that she may go into hiding and not come to the bonfire, but rather than chase after her, I waited, and felt a rush of pleasure when I saw her moving through the darkness toward the orange flames.

Choosing to be optimistic, I’d saved her a spot.

Zoey looked around, searching through the crowd of bodies, so I lifted my hand. When her eyes found me and she started in my direction, the knot of worry that I hadn’t realized I was holding, loosened in my belly.

She sat next to me and I reached my arm out to pull her just a little closer. When I had her tucked in, I leaned in and asked, “You ready for s’mores and ghost stories?”

Her smile was timid when she replied, “Always,” and I knew she was still in her head, freaking out.

Hoping to throw her off balance and get her to stop fretting, I lowered my voice so only she could hear me.

“Have I ever told you how much I like your legs?”

Zoey blinked, my words taking her off-guard, then her lip curved a bit in a purely feminine response.


She was wearing shorts, a tank top, and flip-flops. I placed a hand on her thigh and began to caress it lightly with my thumb.

“They’re really sexy,” I murmured. “Long, lean, toned. Every time I see them, I imagine them wrapped around me.”

Zoey gasped and looked around her anxiously.

“Gabe, there are children present,” she admonished.

“They aren’t paying attention to us,” I replied, and they really weren’t. I’d gotten us a seat outside of the pack, and the campers were all chattering happily as they passed the makings for s’mores around and the fire roared in the center of us all.

“I like your hands too.”

“My hands?”

“The way they look typing away as you’re writing. The strength in them. And the way those long fingers look when they’re wrapped around my cock.”

I noticed Zoey’s breaths getting shorter, deeper, so I brought my lips to her ears and kept going, my eyes on our surroundings so I would be aware of anyone’s approach.

“I like that spot where your neck meets your shoulder…”

I kissed her briefly there, flicking my tongue out quickly. She emitted a soft moan that made my hardening cock jump in anticipation.

I decided to back off a bit. I didn’t want to take it so far that we gave ourselves away, knowing that would embarrass the hell out of Zoey. And embarrassment was definitely not my goal.

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance