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“You’re going to have to stop moaning,” I said huskily. “Or you aren’t going to get any more pizza and you’re going to be late to Chris’s next session.”

She cleared her throat and asked, “Um, what are your parents like?”

“Nice tactic,” I replied with a grin as I picked up another piece of pizza. “Have you heard of Ozzie and Harriet?” Zoey nodded. “Well, they’re nothing like that. My mother hates to cook and clean, that’s always been my dad’s forte. Which is funny considering he was kind of a biker, and now they run a bar. My mom’s a firecracker. Always ready to stand up and fight for what she believes in and those she loves. My dad’s more laid back.”

“They sound awesome,” Zoey said as she picked up her wine and tasted it.

“They are,” I replied, smiling at the thought of them.

“What kind of bar do they run?”

“I’d say it’s half biker bar, half sports bar. A lot of guys dad used to hang with come in a lot, and with word of mouth, the clientele grew. They have a bunch of my jerseys and stuff on the walls, and if there’s a game televised, they’re showing it. I guess it’s a pretty unique place. A family bar.”

“I’d love to see it,” she said offhandedly.

“I’d love for you to see it, and to meet them, my parents.”

Her big eyes sought mine and she asked, “Really?”

I reached out and took her hand in mine, my thumb caressing her knuckles.

“Really.” I decided to just go for it. “We have a get together over Labor Day weekend. Maybe you could come?”

“I’ll have to check my calendar, make sure I don’t have anything going on, or due to my publisher, but if I can, I’d love to.”

“Yeah?” I asked, feeling as if my heart was soaring and not even caring how mushy and sentimental that sounded.

“Yes,” Zoey replied, leaning toward me over the pizza in invitation.

I accepted and met her halfway, laying a kiss on her that I hoped conveyed the depths to which I had already fallen.

Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Zoey

It had been another long day. I’d felt nervous and unsure, even though Gabe had pretty much laid it out that he wanted me to spend the night with him, when I crept into his cabin and snuggled against his sleeping body. He’d rolled over, cuddled into me, and slipped deeper into sleep.

I’d laid there, grinning like a loon, unable to find sleep for a while.

I was crazy happy.

Like, crazy … I’d never imagined I’d be at this point with Gabe so soon. We hadn’t even known each other two weeks and were already making plans for me to go home with him and meet his family.

It was inconceivable.

This didn’t happen in real life, did it?

Can a geeky, awkward, woman-child like me really end up with a guy like Gabe? Everything that I knew about him so far was perfect. The way he was with family, with the kids, the life he’d led that made him the man he was today … it was all perfect. For me. It was like we’d both had to live our lives and make it to this point, so that we would be ready for each other.

I was certain, no matter what he said, that had we met in college, or our twenties, we wouldn’t have given each other a second glance. Either of us. But now, in this time, I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

Thank God I mixed up the camp dates, was my last thought before finally drifting off to sleep.

By the time I woke up, Gabe was already off on his run, so I’d showered and left to go meet Chris. The day was another long and fun-filled one, ending with the football game, barbecue, and bonfire.

The kids were all stoked, and I had to admit, I was too.

I brought my camera and a notebook to the game.

The camera so I could get pictures of Chris for Chloe, and quite possibly sneak some of Gabe for myself.

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance