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Zoey crouched and put her and in the water as I unzipped my pack and pulled out a blanket. I spread it out, then set out the other items I’d brought along.

“Do you want to eat or swim first?” I asked as I laid out the sandwiches, pitas, hummus, and fruit.

She turned and looked from me to the food, then back again and answered, “Eat.”

I sat, holding out my hand in invitation. My stomach clenched as she walked toward me to take it. Her hair was still up in a messy bun, and her tan skin glowed in the brilliant sunlight. She looked fresh, sweet, and I suddenly wanted to taste her more than I wanted to breathe.

When she placed her hand in mine, I tugged, causing her to fall into my lap with a laugh. Unable to wait, I dipped my head, capturing her happiness as I got my taste. Her laugh turned to a moan and her hands came around my neck, holding me closer. When we were both breathless I pulled back slightly and looked down at her.

“You taste good.”

“So do you,” she replied, her voice low and throaty.

I wanted to lay her down and sink into her, but I knew she hadn’t eaten all day, so I controlled the beast inside me and placed her next to me on the blanket.

“Let’s eat.”

I laughed when she didn’t hesitate, grabbing the closest sandwich, opening it quickly and taking a big bite.

“Mmmmm,” she said, eyes half closed. “So good.”

The sounds she was making coupled with the look on her face were about to make me lose control, so I turned my head and looked at the water, trying to concentrate on every drop as it cascaded over the rocks.

Once I had myself in check I turned back and chuckled when I saw that half of her sandwich was already gone. I grabbed mine and leaned back, watching her as I opened the sandwich bag.

“So, what did you guys do today?” Zoey asked in between bites.

“We got a lot done actually,” I replied. “After three years we’ve got a good system going on. All of the cabins are ready for the kids to start arriving, and the counselors, of course, who will start arriving Saturday morning. We have a lot of returning counselors, so the final preparations will take no time at all. Everything’s on track.”

“That’s cool that you all come here every year. It must be nice to get that time together with your family. Especially in a place like this,” she said, her gaze sweeping the beautiful view.

That was the opening I needed, so I sucked it up and said, “Zoey, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Her head swiveled, and her eyes looked worried as she said tentatively, “Well, that’s never good.”

I grinned in spite of myself, then sat up and admitted, “I may not have been completely forthcoming about who I am.”

Zoey lowered her hand, the last bit of uneaten sandwich forgotten.

“Oh, crap … You’re married?”

“What? No!”

“Wanted for murder?”

I just looked at her.


“Seriously?” I asked, a laugh escaping me. “We’ve had sex…”


I bit my cheek to keep from laughing. I wanted her to know that I was being serious, but she was making it difficult.

“How about you let me finish?”

Zoey nodded her head slowly.

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance