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“Let me,” he urged, but I shook my head fervently.

“I want you inside,” I begged, unashamed … just needy.

His eyes darkened to pitch at my plea, and I fell back with a happy sigh when he rose above me. I don’t know when he got out a condom, or where he pulled it from just then, and I didn’t care. All I cared about was watching as he sheathed his rock-hard cock.

Oh yeah, I thought, I just said cock in my head. If anything deserved that sexy, erotic-sounding moniker, it’s that beautiful thing Gabe is currently stroking as he brushed the tip against me.

I urged my inner voice to shut up and let me enjoy the moment, and as Gabe eased himself slowly inside of me, inch by inch by inch, I laid my head back once again and did just that.

“Oh my god,” I breathed softly as he filled me up, his hard chest brushing against my soft breasts as he moved in and out of me, stopping to tease me with the head of his cock before pushing deeply back inside.

“You’re amazing,” he groaned, and I opened my eyes to see his on me, watching the pleasure flit across my face.

I brought my knees up, and he placed his arms underneath and lifted, titling my hips and causing himself to delve even deeper.

I know I moaned, groaned, and probably even shouted … his name, God’s, and maybe even my own, as he continuously hit the spot that had my orgasm building until I crashed over the edge and trembled in Gabe’s arms.

As I pulsed around him, he picked up the pace, rocketing against me as I held on to his shoulders and gave him the resistance he needed. I came out of my stupor just in time to watch his face as he reached his release, and I swore I’d never seen anything so beautiful, or any man look as handsome, as Gabe did in that moment.

Chapter Thirteen ~ Gabe

I couldn’t remember the last time I’d spent the night with a woman. One of my favorite things about being in a relationship was waking up with a soft warm body next to me. That drowsy, content feeling you’d get as you snuggled next to the woman you were with.

Anxious for that feeling, I wore a grin before I’d even opened my eyes, and stretched out my hand to draw Zoey to me. When all I found was empty sheets, I tossed back the covers and sat up, searching the small cabin and finding the object of my desire typing away furiously at the desk in the corner.

I laid back down, turning on my side as I pulled the covers back over me.

Her dark hair was piled on her head in a messy bun, and she was muttering to herself as she worked. She’d thrown on a Goonies T-shirt and a pair of running shorts, and I was surprised to see she had black horn-rim glasses on her face.

She was a crazy mix of adorable and sexy, and I settled back into the pillow, content with watching her work.

I let my mind run through the list of things I needed to get done over the next few days, while mentally planning the things I wanted to do with Zoey before the camp was overrun with teenagers.

There was a waterfall a few miles away that I’d love to hike with her to, and I needed to talk with Jasmine to see when everyone wanted to do our big campfire, as well as put things in motion for our annual Sports Day competition.

I’m not sure how long I stayed there, but when I looked over at the clock and saw that it was already almost nine, I knew I had to get up and get moving. Reluctantly, I cleared my throat and rose to sitting, then smiled to myself when I realized clearing my throat hadn’t gotten Zoey’s attention. She was still typing away, oblivious to the fact that I was awake.

I stood and gathered my clothes from the floor, my eyes on her as I pulled them on. When I was done slipping on my shoes, I crossed the room and bent to press my lips lightly to Zoey’s head.

She flinched slightly, then tilted her head back to smile sweetly at me.

“Hey,” she said softly. “I didn’t hear you get up.”

“Morning,” I responded. “I have to get going. I’m supposed to meet the guys so we can check out the cabin, tents, and yurts on the campers’ side, but I was hoping I could talk you into taking a break this afternoon. Say, one o’clock?”

Zoey’s nose wrinkled cutely as she did some sort of mental calculation, then nodded.

“I think I could make that happen.”

“Great. Wear something you can hike in, with a bathing suit underneath.”


She was already turning her focus back to her screen, so I kissed her quickly on the cheek, then headed out to meet my cousins, knowing full well they were going to give me shit for being late.

I was jogging up the path when the razzing began.

“Walk of shame, is it?”

Tags: Bethany Lopez The Lewis Cousins Romance