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I waited until he’d left us and asked, “Is now a good time?”

Sarah nodded and sat up, her face expectant.

I pulled out the envelope and handed it to her.

Carmen and I watched in silence and she took the photos out and began flipping through them.

Her eyes filled, and a small smile played on her lips.

I noticed she stopped on the photo of the three of them together, then again on the close-up of the baby.

When Sarah was done, she placed them back in the envelope and shoved it under her pillow.

“Thank you,” Sarah said softly.

“Is that what you wanted?” I asked, hoping it was. I didn’t know if I’d be able to take more pictures and come back here again.

“Yes, they’re perfect,” she replied, then closed her eyes and whispered, “He’s happy, and his son is beautiful.”

I heard Carmen choke beside me and knew she was as close to losing it as I was, so I placed my hand gently on Sarah’s arm, unsure of whether I was trying to comfort her, or myself, and told her we’d be going.

“I’ll have the money sent to yo

ur account,” she said, then added, “Thanks again. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

We said our goodbyes and got out of there as fast as possible, not wanting to run into Mr. Larsen again on our way out.

When we got in the van, we both needed a moment to collect ourselves, then left the Larsens with our hearts heavy.

I MADE IT to the cabin in time for dinner and gave Cade’s mom Carmen’s phone number and asked her to please invite her over to help with the food.

Dinner was a boisterous affair, with not only all of our family, but Cade’s buddies from Hawaii. Chris, Jun, and Ripper had made it in safely, and they’d all had a good day at the compound.

After dinner, we built a fire in Cade’s pit out back and all sat around having drinks and talking, while Elin and Lena roasted marshmallows and the dogs chilled in the grass.

“Still can’t believe you’re getting married, dude,” Ripper said, taking a pull from his beer as he lounged back in his chair.

“Sounds like it’s gonna be pretty sick though . . . outdoor wedding with a pig roast reception,” Jun added.

“It’ll be great,” Chris said. “And, you get to spend the rest of your days looking at this beauty.”

Chris put his hand on mine and patted it briefly.

I shot him a grin and Cade said, “Hands off,” causing all the men to chuckle.

“Well, I’m excited to have all of Lila’s friends over tomorrow to help with the food. If we have time, I brought flowers to make leis as well.”

“From where?” Alani asked.

“Home, of course,” she answered, giving her daughter a look like, duh.

“Mom, you brought those flowers on the plane? How? I don’t think you’re supposed to do that,” Alani protested, but her mom just shrugged.

“What they don’t know doesn’t hurt, and I wanted Cade and Lila to have beautiful leis for their special day. Cade needs a piece of home with him on his special day.”

Alani rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything else.

“I’m sure they’ll love to make leis with you,” I assured Cade’s mom.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance