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“Yup. Luckily, I got all of the information I needed. I was about to break myself out and head back to the compound when you three got thrown in with me.”

“I can’t believe you,” I seethed.

“Lila, I told you I was going to be off the grid, but you couldn’t leave it alone, could you?”

“You know what? You’re in the dog house.”

Cade shot me another look, which only made me angrier, and asked, “What?”

“Until our wedding night, you’re in the dog house. You ain’t getting none of this.” I waved my hand over my body and wiggled in my seat.

Cade chuckled. The bastard.

“I’m not kidding,” I told him.

“We’ll see, darlin’,” he said, then shot me his sexy, panty-melting smile, but I was immune.

“Yes, I guess we will,” I retorted, then faced forward.

“This is better than my Nana’s old telenovelas,” Carmen said from the backseat.

“Uh, now’s probably not the time,” Bran whispered.

“Just head to the gas station by where they hit you so we can drop Bubba off with Junior,” I told Cade, still not looking at him.

Cade just grunted in response, and we rode the rest of the way in silence.

Everything along the country road was dark, so we could see the gas station shining like a beacon.

Cade pulled in and I hopped out to help Bubba out of the car and inside, with Cade following close behind. I guess Carmen and Bran didn’t want to miss any more drama, so they came in with us.

“Pops,” Junior cried as he rounded the corner.

He came over and pulled Bubba into a hug, which Bubba allowed for a minute, then he pushed him off.

“Git the wire cutters, boy.”

Junior rushed off to get the wire cutters and Bubba turned to Cade and said, “Thanks. You coulda left me there, but I ‘preciate you bustin’ me outta that chair.”

Junior came back, holding the wire cutters up in victory, then cut his dad’s hand cuff off.

“Git his too,” Bubba told Junior, pointing at the chains hanging off of Cade.

Cade held out his arms and Junior cut them off.

“Thanks, man,” Cade said, rubbing his red wrists.

“Sorry about before,” Junior said, his eyes on me. “They said they’d hurt my pops if I told you anything else. Thanks for getting him.”

“I understand, don’t worry about it,” I assured him.

“Ready?” Cade asked.

I nodded. I was utterly exhausted.

We loaded back up in my van and headed home when I told Cade that Bran and Carmen’s cars were at my place.

“My folks?” Cade asked as he drove.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance