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“That sounds amazing,” Carmen cooed. “I love that you’re keeping your relationship fresh like that … aww.”

“How are things with Cade?” Amy May asked, turning the table on me.

Just the sound of his name had my body warming more than alcohol ever could. I looked at her dreamily and said, “Soooo good.” Then I remembered our conversation yesterday and I bit my lip nervously and told my friends, “He wants to meet the kids.”


Bea’s face showed her surprise.

“Really? He’s ready for that? Are you?”

I thought about Cade, what I knew about him and everything we’d been through since we met and said, “Yeah, I think I am. I’ve never met anyone like him, never had anyone make me feel so safe, and at the same time, so wanted … I think he’ll be in my life for a long time, so yeah, the kids should meet him.”

“They’re going to love him,” Amy May said, “Especially Elin.”

I grinned at the thought of my son and the motorcycle badass in question. She was right, Elin was going to think he was the coolest guy ever. I actually couldn’t wait to see how Cade interacted with my children.

“Wow,” Carmen said again, this time wistfully. “You guys are all so lucky, to have found these amazing people to share your life with. I always seem to attract losers and criminals. I’d give anything to have a relationship like yours.”

“Your date with Mr. Hoodie didn’t go so well?” Bea asked.

Carmen shook her head and said with a sigh, “No, you were right about him.”

I reached over and grabbed Carmen’s hand in mine, waiting until her eyes found mine before assuring her, “You’re going to find the right guy for you, I promise. You may have to sift through a few losers first, but, Carmen, you’re a total catch, it’ll happen. You just have to wait for the right one.”

“Totally,” Amy May agreed.

“Yup, just be patient,” Bea added, “And, picky.”

“Thanks, guys,” Carmen said, her happy smile back. “I’m so happy you invited me along.”

“Of course,” I said, “This is just the first of many good times to come. Now, who else needs another drink?”

Amy May said she’d join me, and as I walked the room, hand in hand with my best friend, I realized that my life was better now than it had ever been before, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

My heart was in my throat as Cade’s log cabin came in to view. Elena took in a sharp breath and Elin exclaimed, “No way, is that his house?”

I chuckled as I looked in the rearview mirror and took in my son’s face.

“Yeah, buddy, that’s his house.”


“Is that him?” Elena asked, and I looked to the side of the house to see Cade standing there, watching the van come up the drive, Rufus sitting beside him.


“Wow,” my daughter breathed.

His hair down and still wet from his shower, it looked ink black and was starting to curl slightly. His beard looked trimmed, but paired with his very long, very large body, the well-worn jeans, and leather vest over a simple gray T-shirt, he was a sexy, but imposing sight.

For the first time I worried that they’d be afraid of him, due to his presence and stature alone, but when I saw Elin watching him in awe, and Elena gazing at him curiously, I figured they were going to be just fine.

The fact that they loved dogs would only help in their transition.

I pulled next to his truck and parked. Elin was out the door before I’d even gotten the key out of the ignition. Elena was a little shyer, so she waited for me, taking my hand and walking next to me as we watched Elin go straight for Rufus. Hitting his knees as soon as he was close enough, Elin wrapped his arms around Rufus’s neck and the two instantly fell in love.

Cade was watching the pair, a small smile playing on his lips, then brought his gaze to my daughter.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance