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“Um, I was just wondering where we’re going,” I lied through my teeth.

Rather than calling me on it he replied, “That Italian joint on Sixth.”

“Mmmm, I love that place.”


I took in his jeans and button up, thought about it for a minute, then said softly, “Although, I think they require a jacket and tie.”

Cade just smirked as he looked out at the road and said, “Don’t worry about it, darlin’.”

I decided to take his advice and not worry. I was going to be the new and improved Delilah Horton. Who dated hot, burly men and lived life without being so damn cautious.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Cade put his hand at the small of my back as he ushered me inside, which I had to admit, I really liked. I also noticed that every female from ages five to seventy noticed us walk in, and had their eyes glued to Cade. This, I wasn’t so sure I liked…

“Two for Wilkes,” Cade said when the hostess asked how she could help. When she immediately led us back to our table, proving Cade was correct and something as insignificant as a dress code wasn’t going to keep him out.

Thinking I just may be out on a date with the coolest guy I’d ever met, I smiled to myself as I picked up the menu and looked it over.

“What’s the smile?” Cade asked.

I looked over my menu at him and replied honestly, “I’m just happy to be here … with you.”

That earned me a sexy grin.

“Good,” he replied, as the waiter stopped to get our drink order.

Guinness for me. Whiskey for Cade.

“I would have guessed you for a wine drinker.”

“I like wine,” I replied with a shrug. “But sometimes it goes to my head. With Guinness, I can keep my wits, while still enjoying a good drink.”

“You don’t want anything going to your head?” God, it should be a sin to look as delicious as he did.

“I think you’re potent enough,” I admitted with a laugh. “Since this is the first date I’ve been on in over thirteen years, I don’t want to get bombed and embarrass myself.”

“Thirteen years?”

“Yeah, my last date was with my husband, before we got married.”

“When’d you get divorced?”

“Ten months ago.”

“And there’s been no one since?”

“No. And honestly, we hadn’t been with each other,” I cleared my throat and continued softly, “Intimately… for a few years prior to the divorce. I guess I was upset, then bitter, and now, well, I hadn’t received any offers I was interested in … until yours.”

I felt his hand hit my bare knee under the table and give it a little squeeze, which made me wonder, how freakin’ long are his arms?

“Well, if it makes you feel better, this is the first date I’ve ever been on.”

If I’d had something in my hand, I would have dropped it. As it was, I felt my jaw hit the floor as I asked, “Say what?”

“I’m not the kind of man who plans picnics and sends flowers,” he said, squeezing my knee once more. “I’ve never taken a chick to the movies or out to dinner, unless it was my mom or sister.”

“How’s that possible?” I asked, not meaning to be rude, but honestly wondering how a man like him had never been in a relationship.

Tags: Bethany Lopez Cupcakes Romance