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I rolled my shoulders. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Did you pull up the security feeds at Aiden’s house?”

“Yes,” Bastian cut in. “Two men threw her into a black Mercedes van. Drake is working on finding them.”

He scratched the dark stubble along his jaw and removed the phone from his pocket. “Did Aiden get a good look at them?”

“He saw nothing that helps us.”

Marcello scrolled through his phone. “What about her necklace?”

Caught up in my rage, I had forgotten about the tracking device hidden inside the diamond and sapphire necklace I’d given her. Every woman in my family had worn it for their protection. And because Salvatore men were possessive as fuck.

“The tracker says she’s in London.” Marcello held out his cell phone for me to see her movements. “They couldn’t have gotten that far in an hour.”

“Somehow, they’re messing with the signal.” I glanced at Bastian and Damian. “Roundup The Devil’s Knights who live in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. Tell them it’s an emergency. We need all the help we can get with these bastards.”

My brothers nodded before they left the room with their phones raised to their ears. They would have every Knight on the East Coast ready to fight the war with the Albanians. We also had the New York and New Jersey Mafia on our side. I owed them more favors than I could count, but Alex was worth it. Her life was always more important than mine.

My girl had to survive this.

Marcello’s fingers slid across the keypad of his phone. He typed a few messages in rapid succession, then shoved his phone into his pocket.

“Let’s go,” he said with his gaze on me. “I think Drake has a lead.”


I rolled back and forth on a hard surface, struggling to break free from the ties binding my arms behind my back. The restraints were nothing compared to the handcuffs and other creative methods Luca had used to restrain me during sex. I knew how to handle pain, something Luca had taught me well.

A cloth that smelled like smoke covered my mouth. The scent was so overpowering it made my stomach churn, creating a nasty taste in the back of my throat. I only had myself to blame. But I had to know if my brother was alive. Aiden and Luca had betrayed me.

Why had they gone to great lengths to make Aiden vanish from existence? Their lies sent me over the edge, seconds from diving headfirst off a cliff of destruction. And for what? So they could play a game with me? Hadn’t Luca fucked with my head enough over the years?

Luca did nothing without reason. And my brother hated Luca with a passion. So there had to be a legitimate reason for their betrayal. But that fact didn’t make it hurt any less.

Blinking a few times, I refocused my gaze and saw nothing but black. We were moving, the space dark and cramped. A trunk, maybe? They must have driven me from the van to another vehicle after I passed out from the drugs they pumped into my system.

A searing pain shot through my skull, my head pounding like a jackhammer drilling into concrete. Waves of nausea washed over me every time I rocked from side to side. My shoulder hurt, but the adrenaline shooting through my veins helped to dull it.

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

As I let Luca’s words wash over me, I thought of his rough touch and his strong hands that had brought me to the brink of insanity for years. Being with a man like Luca had prepared me for other dangerous men. The only difference was those men didn’t love me the way Luca did. None of them would risk their life for me.

They want to kill you.

I said a silent prayer that my handsome Devil would find me. That Luca would never stop searching for me until all of my captors were dead.

When the car stopped, I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. I had no way of freeing myself from the restraints. The trunk opened, and the scent of saltwater penetrated my senses. Waves crashed from a distance, though I doubted we were still in Devil’s Creek. I smelled the ocean. The waves were louder and more aggressive than the bay, like a storm was coming.

One man reached into the trunk, dug his fingernails into my skin, and lifted me over his shoulder. He held me against his hard chest and smacked my ass. I ignored the pain that shot up my leg and pretended to sleep. We moved closer to the crashing waves. From what I could tell, we were at a marina. Fishing boats and yachts surrounded a large pier.

My heart slammed into my chest, fear taking over. If we were traveling by water, how would Luca find me?

Tags: Jillian Quinn Devil's Knights Billionaire Romance