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“Well, I can see you're busy. I'll let you get back to work.” She steps away, pulling on the leash. “Come on, Garlits,” she says. He jumps up and follows her inside the house.

Damn. This girl is going to get me in trouble. I can feel it.

I stare at the closed door for far too long, until finally pulling myself away with my own leash. I get back under the car, put the bolt back in place on the oil pan, and untwist the filter. The new filter is primed and ready. I already filled it with some oil and smeared some around the rim.

It takes me a quick second to put the new filter in, then I'm out from under the car, and filling the engine with fresh new motor oil. The engine is a little dirty, and if Mr. Klein expects to show off at the car show, it's going to need to gleam better than this.

I shuffle through his toolboxes until I find a nice clean rag, and start wiping the grime off the engine. I hear the door inside the garage open, and assume Mr. Klein is back. I feel him standing behind me.

“I changed the oil, and figured I'd give the engine a little shine while I waited to see how you made out. Did you find a place with the head gasket in stock?”

“I'm not sure.” It's not Mr. Klein's voice; it's Kelsie. “But I thought you might be thirsty, so I brought you some lemonade.”

I glance over my shoulder. She's standing with a glass in her hand. There's a slice of lemon floating on top, and one sitting on the rim. The rim also looks like she dipped it in sugar.

“Thanks,” I say. Taking the lemonade. I drink a big sip. “It's hot as hell out and this hits the spot.”

“Good. I'm glad.”

I bring the glass to my lips again and get bumped in the leg hard enough to make me wobble on my feet. Lemonade spills from the glass and down my shirt.

“Garlits!” Kelsie yells, and shoos him away with her foot. “Go on, go lay down.” She turns her attention back to me. “I'm so sorry. Here let me help.” She takes the glass from my hand and starts wiping the front of my shirt with her hand. “He's a pain in the ass sometimes. Especially if he wants your attention.”

I pull the rag from my pocket and wipe my face.

“Oh,” she says. “You uh, you replaced lemonade with grease—or maybe oil, I'm not sure.”

“Did I? Where?” I wipe across my chin.

“No, it's over here,” she says, pointing to my left cheek.

“Here?” I ask and wipe again.

“Let me see.” Kelsie takes the rag and wipes my cheek herself. “There, got it.”

She's inches from my face as she lifts her head up. I can smell her shampoo. Coconut and hibiscus mesh with the air I'm inhaling. I breathe deeper, longer, and hold it to memorize that scent.

I can see small beads of sweat swelling at her hairline. They hang there, clutching the strands and refusing to break loose. There are freckles the size of a pencil tip creating small patches at the crest of each cheek just beneath her eyes. Her lips are soft pink.

My eyes linger on her mouth. I want to kiss her. Taste her. Feel her lips against mine, and her tongue in my mouth.

She pulls her bottom lip in and nibbles on it as my eyes come back to hers. The corner of her mouth twitches, her lips parting in thought. But no words come out.

I can't stop myself. My body takes over, and I do the only thing I probably shouldn't. I kiss her.

I'm slow, soft, and gentle. I don't want to spook her, make her freak out and run away. But I can't help myself. I have to kiss her. She's too close not to.

To my surprise, Kelsie kisses me back.

Her lips open wider, her body naturally leaning in. Her tits press against my chest, making my cock come to life. I breathe in, letting the subtle perfume permeate my body from head to toe.

The door in the garage starts to open, causing Kelsie to take a giant leap back.

“They don't have it on the shelf, but they ordered it and the part will be in tomorrow. We can pick it up late morning.” Her father steps down into the garage, his eyes on his phone. He looks up and stops. “Kelsie, why are you out here and not inside packing for this weekend?”

“I—I uh. . . I,” she stutters, her eyes nervously jumping from her father to me.

She's frazzled. It's cute and sexy to see her cheeks turn rosy, and a few beads of sweat finally trickle down her temples.

“I caught her coming back from her walk and asked her for a drink. I hope that's okay? It's just so hot today.”

Tags: Penny Wylder Hard Working Hero Romance