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“You're just getting lucky. You better not miss one because you won't get a chance again.” Millie grins, batting long dark lashes.

“Is that what you think?”

“Sure is.”

I hit the nine ball, and it rattles around the pocket before bouncing out. Millie laughs as she chalks her cue, lining up the shot for her turn. She cleans the table, hitting in the eight ball with a huge smirk on her face.

“I win.”

“I let you win,” I say, walking to her side.

I relax back against the edge of the pool table and notice she doesn't move away. She's still here, not backing up, not covering herself. She's smiling, and I like it.

I like the smile on her face. The way her lips thin as the corners pull up and her eyes squint is so damn cute. I like the way her cheeks plump and the sexiest dimples appear. Licking my lips, I tug my bottom lip into my mouth and bite down as I watch her chest rise and fall slowly as she breathes.

Fuck this girl is getting in my head.

My entire body is hot, my muscles tight, my lungs weighted and heavy as the air between us becomes so thick it's hard to breathe. There's a static charge around us, making the hair on the arms prickle and my cock jerk.

“Sure you did,” she says jokingly. “Rack 'em.” Millie grabs the triangle frame and tosses it at me.

“Okay, I'll play again, but this time let’s make it more interesting.”

“More interesting. . . How?”

“A bet.” My tone is sharp, the request more of a challenge than a playful game.

“You want to make a bet?” she asks.

“Yeah. Why not make the game worthwhile?” I set up the balls, pushing them tight together with my knuckles before pulling the frame away. “It'll make things a little more interesting, don't you think?”

“I guess that depends. What's the bet?”

“Well,” I say, running a single finger down the edge of the pool table. Her eyes follow my finger as it traces the diamonds one at a time. “If I win, I get to kiss you. A real kiss, not a peck on the cheek, not a quick kiss on the lips. I want a real kiss.”

Millie's palm is resting on the table, her eyes frozen on my hand as it inches closer and closer to hers. Her body shakes as if she suddenly realizes just how close I actually am. Her eyes move with utter slowness to mine, and she swallows hard.

“And if you win—” I start to say, but she cuts me off.

“If I win, no kiss, and instead you owe me dinner. A fancy dinner, at a place of my choice. And you can't complain about where I pick, either.”

“You sound confident.” My finger touches her knuckles, causing her to pull her hand away.

“Because I am. I'm going to kick your ass.”

“We'll see about that.”

“We won't see, I know.” Millie lines up the cue ball and takes her shot. The ball cracks against the others, exploding out with force. Two fall into separate pockets and she grins proudly. “Get ready to wear a suit and tie.”

“Suit and tie? For what?”

“For the dinner you're going to owe me.” Millie bends over beside me, lining up her shot. I bump her hip with mine just before she takes it, making her wobble on her heels. “Hey, no cheating,” she snaps with a giggle.

I hold up my hands and take a small step away. “I'm not doing anything. It's not my fault your heels aren't sturdy.”

She purses her lips, leaning back over and pinching one eye closed as she looks down the length of the cue. Millie makes her next couple shots, then misses.

“Hope you weren't too hell bent on that dinner. You might want to gloss up them lips for our kiss.”

“In your dreams,” she says.

“Not anymore, it's about to become reality all over again. I know I haven't forgotten about the other day, and you haven't either.”

Millie rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Just take your shot.”

“Okay.” I shrug my shoulder, placing the cue on the back of my hand, and hit one ball after the next. Each one goes in easily, until I'm down to just the eight ball. Glancing at her over my shoulder, I wink, then take the shot with a clean stroke.

“Shit,” she says.

“That's the second time you've said that tonight.” I lay my cue on the table, and walk to her side. “Well. . .”

“Well what?”

“I'm ready for my kiss.”

“Right here and now?”

“A win’s a win, you got to pay up. That's how this whole bet thing works.”

Millie looks around the room and takes my hand. “Not in here,” she says, pulling me to the exit. She drags me off to the side of the front door and waits until the coast is clear.

Tags: Penny Wylder Hard Working Hero Romance