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I’m spluttering with laugher as my stomach digs uncomfortably into his shoulder. “Can you carry me better, please? This hurts.”

“I’m a fireman,” Holden says, already striding up the beach as his brothers gather our things and Harris wakes from his post-orgasm coma.


“Yes. We all are. Always on hand to rescue cats, put out raging grill fires and potentially rescue you from a house blaze.”

“Well, I hope your fireside manner is better than this.” I slap his shoulder. “I can walk, you know.”

I catch the amused looks of a few of the other tourists on the beach. I wonder how amused they’d be if they knew the hand that I’m currently slapping this man with was wrapped around his twin’s cock less than a minute ago. The thought makes my cheeks flush.

“Don’t you worry about my fireside manner,” Holden says. “My bedside manner is the only thing you should be thinking of, and after last night, you should know that there is nothing to worry about in that regard.”

“Cocky, much?” I shout. “Put me down.”

In a flash, Holden has switched me into a bridal hold and continues to stride up the path toward the luxury accommodation we slept in last night. Hooking my hand around his neck for stability, I stare up at his amused face. “You’re bossy,” he says. “Is that the bedroom kink that you’re too shy to reveal?”

“No!” I shout. “And I’m not too shy.”

“So why defer the answer? I’m intrigued. You seem like the kind of girl who sees what she wants and goes after it without a second thought. Why would you not want to share your fantasies with four men who are hell-bent on delivering you every one of them?

I blink slowly, considering my answer carefully. “Fantasies feel like really private things. Like secret codes to tripping our switches. It just didn’t feel right to share on the beach with everyone around.” It’s half the truth. The other half is fear that if these men can hear my fantasies and make them come true, that I might not ever want to leave them.

“That makes sense, I guess.”

We’re at the door now and have to wait for the rest of the boys to catch us up. Holden lowers me to my feet, pulling me close to his sun-warmed body. His thumb strokes over my bottom lip, eyes glued to mine. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to know how to trip someone’s switch more than I do right now. I want to crack your code so hard that no other man will ever be able to make you feel as good.”

“Not even your brothers?”

He grins wickedly, pressing a hard kiss to my lips. In my ear, he whispers, “Not even my brothers.”

Kane appears, the keycard to the door already in hand. Behind him, Karter and Harris follow.

“The key to all your wildest fantasies,” Kane says, brandishing it like it’s the holy grail.

And for the first time in my life, I actually believe a man’s big talk when it comes to sex.


My four sexy firefighters toss the bags to the floor. "We need to shower off," Harris says.

"Well, you do for sure," Kane laughs, looking pertinently at his brother's swim shorts.

"I think Connie should shower with us." Karter grins. "She can tell us all her naughty fantasies while we wash her clean."

"Then dirty her up," Holden adds, that wicked sparkle back in his blue eyes.

"Let's go," Karter says, scooping me up and starting to carry me up the stairs.

"What the hell," I shout, swatting him on his glorious, tanned pec. "I have legs. I can walk."

"Yeah, but this is so much more fun," he replies.

"You guys are control freaks," I say with a scowl, but inside I'm loving it. A shiver runs through me, thinking about revealing my naughtiest fantasy and these men fulfilling it. In the moments when I'm alone in my bed, I've never imagined more than one man involved in this fantasy. It's always been one dark, faceless man, playing me like a maestro.

The room we fooled around in last night has been cleaned, and the covers on the bed changed, but Kane doesn't stop until we're in the vast, luxurious bathroom. My feet hit the cool marble floor as Kane wastes no time starting the water flowing. The huge wet room has a giant rainfall showerhead that sprays a steady stream of steaming water. Kane drops his swim shorts, kicking them into a corner, then comes for me.

"Time to get naked, Connie," he says as his brothers arrive, stripping off with absolutely no embarrassment. I don't get a chance to remove my two-piece. Kane's fingers find the top clasp as Karter's hands push down the bottoms, and then I'm bared to them.

"Fuck," Harris mutters, his hand clasping the thick length of his cock that is already hard again.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic