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“There are plenty of raging assholes out there deserving of being publicly shamed; you’re just not one of them,” I said, and smiled back at him.

“Either way, I learned my lesson.”

My smile wavered.

He stepped closer and drew me in against him. I don’t know why it felt awkward. As if everything had suddenly changed. This moment had always been coming and now here it was. I slipped my arms around his waist and held on tight.

“I want you to stay in the house,” he mumbled against my head. “Will you, Norah? I know you’ve got things you want to do and you’re not coming with me. But just because I’ll be gone for a while doesn’t mean this can’t still be a home for you.”

“It would look pretty dubious if I moved out—public relations and our relationship and the whole contract thing.”

“I honestly don’t give a fuck about any of that right now. I just want to know you’re going to be okay while I’m away.”

I snorted. “I’m a big girl. Of course I’ll be fine, Paddy.”

“You’re getting paid the rest of the money tomorrow and the contract is getting ripped up. Should have done that days ago. Don’t know where my head was at.”

“We’ve been pretty busy, what with the sexing and everything.”

“You know you can come with me,” he said. “You have to know that. But I get that you have your walk through with the real estate agent and Zena tomorrow and how that’s all time sensitive.”

“Maybe once I’ve got that sorted . . .”

“Take care of your business here then we’ll talk.”


He rubbed a soothing hand up and down my spine. But this time, it just didn’t work. He was leaving and I had to stay here. While I had been used to being alone, after getting to be with him as a couple, this was going to suck. Even if it was temporary. I actually felt a little sympathy for Liv. Being pulled in two different directions at the same time really did suck.

“We’ll be okay,” I said, willing it to be true. “We can text and chatk and internet sex over Skype. It’ll be fun and educational.”

“My hours will probably be a bit crazy. But we’ll work it out.”

Mei wandered around the corner with her cell in hand. “Janisha is blowing up my phone, demanding I get you packed and on a flight.”

Patrick grinned. “I got the role.”

“That’s great!” She beamed. “So you’re flying out tonight?”

He nodded.

“Looks like the weather in Budapest is mild, heading into hot and wet in a month or two. I’ll sort out what you’ll need. We should have a quick chat, too.”

“Sure,” he said. “Norah—”

“I’m fine. We’re fine.” I gave him another of those smiles. “Go do what you need to do, Paddy. This is the win. This is what we’ve been working toward. It’s a good thing.”

His jaw shifted. Seemed his fake smile was no better than mine. It was a compliment, really. That he didn’t try to act in front of me. That we could read each other this well. Then he grabbed my face and pressed his mouth against mine. And I grabbed him right back. There we stood, clutching at each other again, holding on for all we were worth. It was a positive sign. It had to be.

The time flew. After he and Mei had had their meeting, we got busy. With Patrick grabbing clothes, and me folding and packing them into suitcases, while Mei sorted out everything else required for a swift exit. Three months was a long time. Over a quarter of a year. I might have been kind of shell-shocked by the suddenness of it all. It’s one thing to know something is bound to happen eventually and another to have it smack you upside the head.

“Do you have enough socks?” I asked, stuffing one more pair in for good luck.

“You made me grab a dozen pairs. That’s a lot. Pretty sure they also have socks in Budapest.” Patrick dumped a bunch of toiletries on the bed. “I can always buy some. How soon do you think you can come out and visit?”

“I don’t know.”

“We can wait and find out when I’ve got a few days off to play tourist with you. That’d be fun.”


“Looking forward to doing some of the car chase stunts in the film,” he said. Like it was nothing. “There’s one they’ve got planned involving the vehicle being suspended off a cliff.”

“I would take it as a personal favor if you refrained from hanging off cliffs.”

He laughed. God, he was so happy. How could I not be happy for him? His hand slipped around the back of my neck and he leaned in close. “Norah, you’re killing me. You look like you’re about to cry.”

“I’m not about to cry, you’re about to cry,” I joked. Worst joke ever. He was so not about to cry. Not even a little.

Tags: Kylie Scott West Hollywood Romance