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“Yet,” he agreed.

“It’ll happen, Paddy,” I said. “The right script will come along and you’ll be in New Zealand or Czechoslovakia or who knows where for half a year. This is something we ought to be prepared for.”

“Relationships are hard,” he said crankily.

“This is true.”

“Come here.”

I snuggled down against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. Nothing like a hug to make everything better. In his arms, I was safe. Bigger and braver and capable of anything. Like I could take on the whole damn world, or at least one small corner of it­, that’s how he made me feel.

“Okay. Here’s the truth, then. I fucking hate the thought of being away from you.” His fingers tightened their hold. “But acting is my job, the only thing I ever wanted to do. And you deserve to have something like that for yourself.”


“Lots of long-distance relationships in this industry, but I’ve got to say, not many of them work out.”

My turn to sigh. “No. I haven’t seen a lot of them work out either.”

We were both silent for a minute.

“Why do you still have panties on?” he asked.

“Focus, Paddy. We’re talking about us.”

“I am focusing. I just think you’d be more comfortable sprawled all over me bare-ass naked.”

I laughed.

“You’re my kitty cat.”

“I am not your kitty cat.”

“Some days I wonder if we’ll ever settle on a pet name for you,” he said. “You’re being so difficult about it.”

“I’m the worst, it’s true.”

“Yeah, well . . .” He sighed. “I’d rather your worst than anyone else’s best.”

My heart stuttered. “That was a pretty great thing to say.”

“I got something right?”

“You get a lot of things right. Give yourself some credit. You’re better at this relationship stuff than you think.”

His lips curved up in a gentle smile.

“In fact, you’re a good man who deserves good things,” I said, sitting up. “Scoot up the bed a little.”

With a curious glance, he did as told. Not stopping until his head hit the pillows and the hard-on I’d been ignoring sat about level with my face. Half-naked hugs definitely did things to him. The crown poked out from atop his pajama pants, swollen and proud. Skin like velvet stretched over the thickness. I slipped my hand beneath the material and wrapped my fingers around him in a firm grip. “I do like your dick.”

“I am very glad to hear that.”

“The rest of you isn’t bad either.” I bent down, taking his broad head into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. The way his stomach muscles flexed was gratifying. He smelled of musk and salt, his body deliciously warm to the touch. The man was temptation itself. I doubt I could ever get close enough to him, spend enough time touching and tasting him. Not if I tried for a hundred years. “I appreciate you opening up and sharing your thoughts and feelings with me.”

He grunted.

Nice and easy, I pumped his cock, throwing in a slight twist of the wrist just for fun. Friction really was everything. He hardened further, pre-cum beading at the top. I trailed the tip of my tongue up the length of him, tracing the veins. The heat and intensity in his gaze as he watched me . . . he didn’t even blink. I could have been a mighty goddess kneeling there playing with his private parts. Or I could have been just me. Either was fine.

When I took him in my mouth again, sucking hard, he gasped. Such a thrilling sound. My tongue lashed him before digging in, working the sweet spot at the indent beneath the rim. And all the while I stroked him, working him higher. My grip on him tightened and his hips shifted on the bed. Something about the softness of the skin versus the hardness beneath worked for me. A visceral thing making my breasts ache and my sex wet. The scents and sounds and just everything. Doing this to him, for him, was truly a pleasure.

With a soft growl he raised his upper body, reaching out to gather up my hair. All the better for him to see. “The way you use that pretty mouth on me, Norah. Fuck.”

I hummed in agreement and he growled some more. Then I took as much of him as I could deep into my mouth, tightening my lips. How the muscles in his thighs and belly flexed. All of his strength contained and at my mercy. My hand pumped faster and he swore some more.

“Fuck yes,” he said, voice guttural. “That’s it, my beautiful girl.”

His grip on my hair tightened, making my scalp sing. Not something I was usually into in bed. Goes to show how much farther you could go with someone you trusted. A thought to ponder when I wasn’t otherwise occupied. And he was so damn close. All panting breath and frantic movements. I drew hard on him, sucking and pumping and getting him off. The thick shaft spasmed in my hand and he came with a shout. Lost in the pleasure, he rutted my mouth like an animal. Hips bucking and the hand in my hair holding me in place. Damn hot.

Tags: Kylie Scott West Hollywood Romance