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“No, bud, Mom’s expecting us home tonight,” I said, reminding him. Lucinda had been spending a little more time at the trailer over the last few days. Her antsy behavior had me on edge, but I had kept my lips sealed around Max, knowing he would take it as a bad sign.

“Oh yeah,” Kevin mumbled. “Do you think she remembered it’s my birthday?” he asked sullenly.

“I’m sure she did, bud,” I said, avoiding Max’s eyes since he knew that I was the one responsible for reminding her.

“And don’t forget, we’re celebrating with my parents tomorrow night when they get back into town,” Max said, looking in the rearview mirror at him.

“Yay, I forgot about that,” Kevin said, easily pacified.

Max dropped us off outside our trailer just as dusk was settling in. I promised to call him later that night before closing the door behind me. Lucinda was waiting for us as soon as we entered the trailer and I knew instantly our time here was over.

My time with Max had ended.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying to ignore the duffle bags waiting by the front door.

“We’re leaving,” Lucinda said giddily.

“Why? Did Jim get released from jail early?” I asked, grasping at straws.

“No, but things have been over between us for a while. I’ve met the most fabulous man you’ve ever laid eyes on.”

My heart dropped at her words. She had already met someone else. I looked toward her room, expecting her newest infatuation to walk out. “He’s not here. We’re picking him up. He has to check in with his parole officer one last time, and then we’ll be home free.”

“Parole?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s no big deal. He did a few years for some bogus drug charge,” she said unconcerned.

“I’m not ready to leave,” I said sinking down on the couch.

“Aw, come on, Katelyn, you say that every time. Don’t you want to know where we’re going?” she asked.

I shook my head no, fighting the tears I was trying to hold back.

“Well, Ms. Negativity, we’re moving to Florida. Jack has some buddies down near Miami that are going to set him up with a job. Just think, no more jackets or boots, we’ll get to wear flip flops and swimsuits every day.”

“I don’t want to wear a swimsuit every day,” Kevin piped in, still standing by the door. “I don’t want to leave either. I want to stay here with Max and his parents,” he added, running to his room.

“This is your fault, you selfish bitch!” Lucinda screamed at me. “You had to drag him around those people, making him believe he could fit in. Don’t think I haven’t noticed that ring on your finger and the gifts that boy has been buying you. He wants one thing, to get in your pants. Once you spread your legs for him, he’ll be through with you.”

“You’re wrong, he loves me!” I yelled, standing up to face, her shaking with rage. “And his parents love us more than you ever have. Just because guys leave you after you spread your legs doesn’t mean the same will happen to me,” I said meanly.

She lashed out at me with the back of her hand, knocking me back onto the sofa. “You have no idea what you’re talking about little girl,” she snarled, towerin

g over me. “The only reason I’ve been dumped is because of you two.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” I said, making a move to stand up again.

“Fuck you!” she said, reaching out to knock me down again when a crash on the coffee table startled us.

Looking over, I saw Kevin standing with his baseball bat in hand. “Don’t touch her again,” he said in a wobbly voice, holding the bat with shaking hands. “We’ll go with you, but you can’t hit Katelyn ever again. Understand?” he said, not lowering the bat.

“Fine, I was done with her anyway. Pack your crap, we’re leaving in the morning,” she said, stomping down to her room.

Kevin dropped his bat and rushed to my arms. “Are you okay?” he asked with tears streaking down his cheek.

“I’m fine, bud. You didn’t have to do that,” I said, wrapping my arms around his shaking body.

“Yes I did. I’m the man of this family and it’s my job to protect you,” he said through quivering lips before he burst out in tears.

Tags: Tiffany King Romance