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Dream Lips: Good morning, beautiful. TODAY! Sorry about last night. I was out of it. I can’t believe I get to see you later!

It was a little easier getting through work that day, knowing that he would be in the air and unavailable for my call. I envisioned him on the plane, wondering if he was the type to make friends with the people sitting next to him, or if he kept to himself.

I laughed as I imagined Cal chatting up some old lady as she knitted a scarf in the seat next to him, who would eventually decide that said scarf would look better on him than on her nephew. Cal would graciously accept it, of course, and wrap it around his neck with a smile. No one ever said I lacked imagination.

My heart thumping I drove to the airport that evening and pulled to a stop at the arrivals curb. To be honest, I sort of hated waiting for him there. It felt impersonal somehow, but it was a hell of a lot quicker than parking, going in, and trying to find him.

Dream Lips: On my way out.

Jules: I’m in front of the door marked A-2. Charcoal Audi.

As I stood beside my car and waited for him to materialize, I tried to convince the excited butterflies in my stomach to settle down. When he finally appeared, still in his work suit, a duffel slung over his shoulder, I had to stop myself from sprinting into his arms and knocking him to the ground. Forget the butterflies—a whole damn zoo erupted inside me at the sight of him.

Cal scanned the cars before finding mine and I watched with satisfaction as a smile crossed his face and he picked up his pace. There was something about a well-dressed man, and there was definitely something about Cal. My entire body warmed as he neared. I pressed a button on my remote and the trunk popped open.

He strode straight for me, ignoring the trunk as he grabbed me and pulled me against him. No words were exchanged before his lips, my dream lips, took over. They were as soft and perfect as I remembered. I opened to his kiss, and it was as if no time had passed between us. We fell into a familiar rhythm, our mouths and tongues exploring each other in a perfectly choreographed dance.

Lost in that moment, it wasn’t until a horn honked that I remembered where the hell we even were. I opened my eyes as we reluctantly ended the kiss, the zoo animals inside me running amok.

“Hi.” His eyes bright, he gave me a big grin before tossing his bag into the trunk and closing it.

“Hi,” I said, unable to hide my smile.

“God, I’ve missed you.”

He pulled me close and kissed me again, his teeth tugging lightly at my bottom lip. As he did, everything inside me turned soft, especially my heart. It was a strange sensation, that moment when every last icicle in my heart melted and fell like summer rain against my rib cage.

“I missed you too. I can’t believe you’re really here.” I ran my fingers across his five o’clock shadow, the prickle of his skin a welcome sensation. Then I lowered my hand toward his loosened tie and pulled at it.

He shrugged. “Didn’t have time to change after work.”

“You look hot.”

“You look amazing.”

When his gaze roamed over my body, I suddenly couldn’t wait to have him naked later. Even though it had been far too long since I’d been with a man, I wasn’t nervous. I wanted him and was more than ready.

“We should go.” I moved toward the driver’s side of my car as he got into the passenger seat.

I pulled into the snarled traffic as Cal’s hand found the inside of my thigh and rested there, his thumb moving slowly. Instantly, I was transported to the night we met and our weekend together. Glancing at him, I still couldn’t believe he was actually here. Sure, we’d been talking about it for the last two weeks, but having him in my car was almost too much. It was like a dream.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked with a grin.

“That I just can’t believe you’re here. And how exciting it is that I don’t have to hear your voice on the phone anymore. I get to look at you while you talk. I feel like Boston was a hundred years ago.”

“I was telling Luc that exact same thing the other day.” He shook his head in disbelief. “That I still remember every single detail from our weekend together, but it feels like forever ago.”

I smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. “Here’s the deal. I wanted to take you to Moonshadows for dinner tonight, but I was thinking that since we have such a crazy night planned for tomorrow, maybe we’d just stay in and I would cook, if that was okay with you.”

“Babe, if it was up to me, we’d never leave your bed. But whatever you want to do is fine by me.”

“You don’t mind staying in tonight?” I asked again, thankful that he was okay with my last-minute change in plans.

His hand squeezed my thigh. “I prefer it, to be honest.”

Yeah. I preferred it too. Tomorrow night at the club event would be hectic, and I’d have to share Cal with everyone we met and talked to. Tonight, I craved alone time with him.

“Maybe we can go to Moonshadows tomorrow for lunch. If we wait until then, you’ll be able to appreciate the views. It’s right on the water, but you’ll enjoy it more in the daytime.”

Tags: J. Sterling Romance