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“That’s why I wanted to get out of Jersey too. I was afraid that if I didn’t leave for college, I never would.”

She sighed, seemingly lost in memories. “It’s hard when you plant that seed in your mind. You convince yourself that moving across the country is the only thing you want, and then it’s all you can think about. When I didn’t get in, I was crushed. I hadn’t even applied to any other out-of-state schools. I just assumed I’d get in.” She shook her head. “God, I was so clueless.”

“So you stayed in LA for college?” I asked, feeling disappointed for her.

“Yep. Which was fine, don’t get me wrong. I had a great experience. It’s just that that lust for adventure, that want for a location change never really goes away when you don’t get the chance to fulfill it.” Her gaze drifted away, going a little unfocused as she said, “Sure, I stuff it deep down and try to tell myself I don’t want it anymore, but that’s a lie. It’s still there. It rears up its head every now and then, begging me to toss all my things in a suitcase and just leave.” She bit her lip and stopped talking, as if she only now realized she had an audience.

“Don’t stop,” I said, wanting Jules to keep going. Her honesty was beyond refreshing. Most people didn’t share their heart very easily, and she did it so willingly.

She shrugged

and laid her head back on my chest. “That’s basically it. For the most part, I’m really happy where I am. But sometimes I feel so pulled away, like I’m supposed to be somewhere else. Do you ever feel like that? I’m crazy, right? Totally not normal?” she asked with a slight smile.

“I think that if I hadn’t ever left New Jersey, I’d feel that way too. A hundred percent. You’re not crazy.” I put my hand on hers and gave it a squeeze. “You actually sound a lot like my little brother’s fiancée. Must be a California thing.”

“How so?”

“She basically said the same thing as you did about moving away for college. That she wanted to get out of LA and experience something new.”

Jules’s head snapped up. “Wait—she’s from LA? What part?”

I racked my brain. “Shit. I know this.” I snapped my fingers and squeezed my eyes shut as I concentrated. “Bur-something?”


“Yes! That’s it. Katherine’s from Burbank.”

“That’s not too far from where I live. Where is she now?”

Her voice took on an excitement that made me smile. Jules might have wanted to move somewhere else for the experience, but she loved where she was from. It was written all over her face, reflected in her eyes and in the tone of her voice.

“She and Cooper, that’s my brother, live in Chicago. He plays professional hockey. You know, he has a game in town tomorrow night, if you’re interested.”

“Really?” She stared up at me, her green eyes big and trusting as I leaned over to kiss her forehead again, loving the way it made me feel protective of her. “You want me to go to his game with you?”

“Yeah. Unless you don’t like hockey.” A lot of girls weren’t into sports, so I offered her the opportunity to say no. But I hoped like hell she wouldn’t.

She huffed out a breath. “I don’t know anything about it, to be honest. Obviously, I know what hockey is, but I’ve never watched it on purpose. And I’ve never been to a game.”

“Stop.” I moved to sit up, lifting her with me. “What is it with you California girls and hating hockey?”

“I don’t hate hockey,” she said with a laugh. “My dad didn’t watch sports when I was growing up, and I didn’t play any. He used to be a big baseball fan, but after they went on strike one year, he stopped supporting it. Quit baseball cold turkey.”

That made sense. My dad had stopped watching baseball too after the strike.

Hugging Jules close, I said, “We’re a huge hockey family, especially now that Cooper’s gone pro. My dad’s been obsessed with all things Rangers since we were kids. He had all of us on the ice as soon as we came out of the womb, even my sister. But Cooper was the best of us by far.”

“That sounds nice, though. Having so many brothers and sisters,” she said almost dreamily.

“It is,” I wholeheartedly agreed.

“Will Katherine be at the game tomorrow?”

“Yeah. She usually travels with Cooper, especially when he comes to a town where one of us lives.”

Her smile widened. “That’s cool.”

“So you’ll come with me?”

Tags: J. Sterling Romance