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“Jeez, Barbara, easy on the tough love. I’m a little rusty.”

“Sorry. I just really like Daniel. I, for one, don’t think he’s lying to you. I know a bullshitter when I meet one. While I think he could bullshit with the best of them, I don’t think he does when it comes to you. But you’ll never know if you don’t talk to him like grown-ups do. Be a grown-up.”

“Being a grown-up is dumb,” I whined.

“Running away is dumber.”



Barbara’s admonishment of me made me question my every action from last night. She was right though. I wasn’t the same girl who had once dated Ben. I had grown, and I shouldn’t even think about handling Daniel the same way I would have handled this sort of situation eight years ago. I needed to suck it up and give him a chance to explain.

If it turned out that he was nothing more than a lying sack of shit, then I could hang his nuts from my rearview mirror. But I wouldn’t do anything rash before knowing the facts.

Whatever the truth was needed to wait because of my busy schedule for the day, but it really couldn’t wait too long because of my pounding heart. I needed to get my head out of this crap and focus on my job, but dealing with Daniel would be the only way for me to do that. He had twisted me up since the day I met him, and I needed some clarity.

My legs shook under my desk as I reached for my phone, nervousness and anxiety screaming through me all at once. It would be one thing if Daniel were the one calling, but it was me calling him, and that very fact freaked me out. I scrolled through my contacts until I reached his name. Pressing Send, I held my breath and pressed my lips together as I waited for the call to connect.

“Elizabeth.” My name sounded so beautiful coming from his lips. “I’m so glad you called. Can you give me a second?”

“Sure,” I answered, my throat feeling instantly parched.

Daniel yelled in the background for someone to give him ten minutes, and I heard the distinct sound of a door shutting before he was back.

“You there?”

“I’m here,” I breathed out, wishing I had some water.

“So, about last night—” he started to explain before I cut him off.

“Me first. I’m sorry I ran away without even giving you the chance to talk to me about it. I know that was immature of me, but I was so upset, and I just honestly figured that you’d lied to me.”

His breath heaved through the phone as I waited for him to speak, yell, chastise me, or something.

“Listen to me, Elizabeth. I’m not going to pretend to be happy about the way things went down last night, but I realize that we both have our own issues when it comes to relationships.”

“You can say that again,” I said, mostly speaking for myself.

“I’m not done,” he snapped.

I immediately quieted.

“This is all new to me, too. Having a girlfriend isn’t something I’ve done in a long time. It’s not something I’ve ever wanted to do lately, but I want to—with you. You have to trust me though. I know that trust is earned, but I’m not a liar,” he emphasized, making his point crystal clear. “I’ve never lied to you, and I never will. You have to believe that in order for this to work.”

“You’re right. You’re so right, and I’m sorry. I just saw that picture of you and Kate, and I couldn’t breathe. The way I feel about you frightens me.”

“How do you feel about me?” he questioned, his tone lightening up.

“I like you.” I paused. “A lot.”

“I like you a lot, too,” he mimicked.

“I’m not done,” I pretend snapped. “Thinking that you were still dating someone or that you lied to me about calling off your other women was so hurtful. We’ve just started dating, but I feel things for you that I’ve never felt before. You have the power to wreck me, Daniel, completely fucking wreck me, and that absolutely terrifies me.”

“Welcome to the club.”

“Huh?” I questioned.

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance