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“I love you, too.”

I stared at him, feeling the fullness in my heart.

We looked out at the sun and watched it cast a magical orange-and-yellow glow across the dark blue water. Turning my head to look at Daniel as he stared out at the wonder before us, I felt so blessed and lucky that he hadn’t backed down all the times I’d tried to push him away.

Before him, I hadn’t realized that what I needed was a strong man who wouldn’t listen to me when I said I wanted him to leave me alone. I’d needed a fighter, and Daniel Alexander was exactly that. He was my champion, and I belonged right here, by his side, forever.


These are going to be short & sweet- like these episodes have been! First of all, I wanted to thank you, my awesome reader, for taking a chance on something new and fun. It was fun, wasn’t it?! LOL It was for me! :) I had a blast writing these characters in this way (Serial Form) and I hope that translated while you read their story. Your support in me means the world- the fact that you read the stories I write is a dream come true. I can never thank you enough.

I also wanted to say thank you to Jillian Dodd and Michelle Warren…two ladies who read all my stuff before anyone else and threaten my life if I don’t fix certain things, or make it better, or tell them WHAT HAPPENS WITH DANIEL AND ELIZABETH RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!! You ladies are true gems. Thank you for caring.

Last, but not least, thanks to my All-Stars- you ladies are the craziest Sterling readers around- and I freaking love you for it! Thank you for loving me. :)

About the Author

Jenn Sterling is a Southern California native who loves writing stories from the heart. Every story she tells has pieces of her truth as well as her life experience. She has her bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV/Film and has worked in the entertainment industry the majority of her life.

Jenn loves hearing from her readers and can be found online at:

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@ RealJSterling

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Please enjoy the following Teaser from Seeing Stars- A standalone novella in The Celebrity Series.


I walked through the front door, no sooner slamming it behind me before my roommate launched into a ridiculous display of begging and pleading. Not even ten steps into our Toluca Lake condo and Keri was on her knees, begging me to go out with her that night. I narrowed my eyes, staring down at her theatrics on the floor.

“But I got you a ticket and everything,” she whined, batting her eyelashes up at me, as if that would work on someone as estrogen-driven as herself. “Please. It’s the last show of the tour.”

“I just got home and I have to work tomorrow,” I told her, knowing full well my excuse wouldn’t work. Keri was nothing if not persistent.

“So what? We all have to work tomorrow. And hello, it’s Walker Rhodes. I know you like his music, so don’t even pretend like you don’t.” When I opened my mouth to respond, she pushed harder. “And the seats are in the third row, Madison. On the floor. Sort of like I am right now.” She winced and pushed herself to stand upright in all her perfect five-foot-ten-inch glory.

Keri had good reason to expect her pleas to work; she knew me so well. She and I had bonded instantly as freshmen in college when we were assigned rooms across the hall from each other. When we graduated, we went out in the world to tackle the entertainment industry together, and had been roommates and best friends ever since.

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance