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His hands flew up in defense of his stupid words. “Okay, okay. I meant, when isn’t sex great when you actually like the chick?”

“Stop calling her a chick.”

“Buddy, you are so far gone with this one. Should we go shopping for china patterns later? Should I tell Serena to clear your schedule for the rest of the day?”

Damn it. Where is that Nerf gun when I need it?

“Why don’t you ever have anything else to do?”

He leaned back and placed his feet on top of my coffee table. “Harassing you is more fun.”

“Get your feet off my table. Were you raised in a barn? I know for a fact that you fucking weren’t. Don’t make me call your mother.”

He promptly moved his feet. “You wouldn’t dare.”

I wiggled my eyebrows. “I so would.”

“You play hardball, man. Now, seriously, tell me more about what happened. Everything good with you and your future wife?”

“Shut up, dickhole.”

“You know I’m just giving you shit,” he stared at me. “Now tell me what happened dammit.”

I sighed, half temped to ask him if he needed a tampon to go with his whining, but I digressed.

“It was fucking great. She’s great. I’ve never met anyone more in sync with me. I don’t know. We just get each other, you know?” I looked at him before shaking my head. “Of course you don’t know. Why the hell am I telling you any of this?”

“Because I’m your best friend. But sometimes, Daniel, your words hurt.” He threw his hand over his heart in mock pain.

“Oh my God, get out of here, and go do something that makes me money.”

“Fine.” He stood up. “But only ’cause you asked so nice.”

Once I heard the door shut, I sorted my emails, searching for ones that needed immediate attention, as my thoughts filled with Elizabeth. Her naked body entered my mind, and my dick started to harden. Just a single thought of her had us both pining for more. I needed to fly her up here. I wanted her here, in my space, where I could take her in every corner of my office, home, and plane.

Elizabeth Lyons had turned me into a fucking sex fanatic.

Reaching for the phone, I dialed her office line.

“Elizabeth Lyons’s office. This is Barbara.”

“Whatcha wearing?” I teased, not meaning the question at all.

Thankfully, Barbara knew that.

“Granny panties, jean overalls, and a long-sleeved shirt.” She laughed into the phone.

“Sounds hot. Send me a pic.” I tried to keep a straight face, not that she could see it.

“Elizabeth’s in a meeting. I’ll have her call you as soon as she gets out, if she has a chance.”

“Sounds good. Tell her I miss her.”

Barbara cooed, “That’s so sweet. I’ll tell her. Bye.”



Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance