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“So stubborn.” His voice sounded smooth and relaxed, almost like he was in bed.

“What can I say? You bring out the best in me.”

“Elizabeth,” he said my name, and I literally felt my body tingle. “I wasn’t in a good place last night. If I had followed you upstairs to your place, it would have ended badly.”

“Why’s that?” That easily, my anger was replaced by want.

“Because I was mad. I was frustrated, and I needed to figure out how to fix the shitstorm of a meeting I’d just walked out of. James was going to be pissed at me for blowing it, and I needed to brainstorm.”

“You didn’t tell me you’d walked out.”

“I walked out.”

“Smart-ass.” Every time he exhaled into the phone, I’d inhale, convincing myself that I was breathing in his air. “All I wanted to do was let you vent. I could have helped. I just wanted to talk.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have just wanted to talk to you, okay? We would have gone to your place, and I would have been dying to get you naked. I want you, Elizabeth. When I finally do get you, it’s not going to be because I had a shitty day at the office, and you’re feeling sorry for me.”

“Let’s get one thing clear.” My voice escalated as agitation bloomed. “I do not feel sorry for you, okay?”

The phone stayed silent, and I pulled it away from my ear to make sure the call hadn’t disconnected.

“Okay?” I asked again.

“Okay.” His voice sounded soft, and I wanted to curl up next to his body and envelop him. “So, do you forgive me?”


“And we’re okay?”

“Sure.” I shrugged, wondering what that even meant.

“Good. Then, I want to see you again. I don’t care if I have to come down there every week or every day. You will give this a shot, and I’ll make up for last night.”

“Give what a shot exactly?” I questioned, already knowing the answer but desperately wanting to hear him say it.


“There is no us,” I responded, sounding like a brat.

“We’ve started something here. Fight it all you want, but it’s already happening, and you know it.”

I sighed and allowed the silence that followed to speak for me.

“Listen to me,” his voice started again. “I know you’re scared. I don’t pretend to know why, but I want to know. Someday, I hope you’ll tell me.”

“Why would I tell you anything?” I whispered as my mind replayed my dad leaving and Ben cheating, coupled with Daniel denying me last night.

“Eventually—and by eventually, I mean, really, really soon—” He paused, and I held my breath as I waited for him to finish. “I’m going to be your boyfriend. Although, I’m really more of a man, don’t you think? Soon, I’m going to be your manfriend, and you’re going to trust me and fall head over heels in love with me.”

I laughed hard. “You’re hilarious.”

“I’m serious.”

“Delusional much?”

“Not often.”

“I have to go.” I shifted in my chair, causing it to roll to the side.

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance