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“Then, what’s the problem? Why the groan?”

“There’s a flaw in their basic system. It’s a minor issue, but it’s definitely a deal-breaker. I asked them to send me their business proposal and projections, so I could look them over one more time.” I left out the part where I’d walked out of the meeting as if my ass were on fire.

“Want me to check it out as well?”

“I do actually.” I nodded. “As soon as I get it, I’ll forward it to you.”

“Sounds good,” he answered.

He made no moves to get off my couch. I waited for the reason he’d really barged in, but he remained silent.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, just ask already.” I stared at my best friend and tried to hide the smile forming on my lips.

He leaned back and howled out a laugh toward the ceiling. “Did you see Elizabeth or what?”

“Of course I fucking saw her. I told you I was going to.”

“And?” He waited.

“To be honest, I thought she was going to kick my ass. She scares the crap out of me sometimes.”

He howled again.

“Dude, stop howling. Serena’s going to think you’re dying, and she’ll come rushing in here to save you.”

Serena was my assistant—my very-married, very-mom-of-three assistant. It had been a requirement of mine to hire someone I wouldn’t be tempted to fuck when we worked late hours. I never fucked my employees, but sometimes, shit happened. So, I had taken that extra layer of precaution and made sure my assistant was not only not my type, but also not available. I never touched married women—ever.

“So, she didn’t get the roses?”

“Oh, she got them all right. They were sitting on her fucking desk when I walked into her office.”

“Ah, hell. This is great.” He continued laughing at my expense.

“Fuck off.” I was half-tempted to throw another pen at his head to get him to shut up.

“When do I get to meet her?” He leaned forward as he clapped his hands together and started rubbing them back and forth as if he were concocting an evil scheme.

I snarled, “Never.”

He threw his hands up in surrender. “Now, you know what it’s like not to have every girl fall at your feet. Can’t blame me for thinking that shit is funny.”

I didn’t. I completely understood, but that didn’t mean I liked it. “I like her.”

“I know.”

“A lot,” I added for emphasis.

“I’m aware.”

“So, what do I do?”

“Send more roses,” he said with another guttural laugh.

“I already did.”

“Fuck, Daniel. I was joking.”

“Either be helpful, or get the fuck out.” I glared at him, but it was no use. Trying to stay mad at James was like trying to stay mad at a puppy. It just wasn’t possible.

Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance