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Jesus. Was it legal to be that smart, successful, and toned?

“How do you have time to work out?” I blurted into his mouth.

He pulled away, wearing a cocky smirk. “Come again?”

“I haven’t yet. But I was asking, how do you have time to work out? I don’t have time to eat dinner, much less anything else.”

I’d spend nearly all my time at the office or doing something for the studio, like attending functions, events, press releases, junctions, and so on. When I did attend a business meal, I would spend the majority of it speaking about our latest project or answering a million questions about the speed of production and the potential cost of delays. Usually, I’d only have one or two bites by the time the meal ended.

“Well, sometimes, I get a chance to run, but that’s about it,” I added.

“I make time, and so should you.”

I leaned back, my body arching away from his touch. “Did you just call me fat?”

He laughed. The deep and throaty sound bewitched me all the way into my girlie parts.

“Do I look fucking stupid?”

Shrugging, I cocked my head to one side and warningly eyed him.

“I wasn’t talking about the working-out part. By all accounts, you don’t need it.”

He licked his lips, and I stopped myself from panting.

“I only meant that you should make time for things like dinner. Fo

od’s important, being fuel and all that.”


“Better in bed.”

“You are such a guy.”

“Thanks for noticing.”

Standing up, I adjusted my dress and made one last mirror check before turning toward Daniel. “I really should get going. I have a flight to catch.”

“Stay.” His hand caressed the back of mine as he rose to his feet.

My heart raced inside my chest at his offer that sounded too good to be true. Even if he did mean it, I couldn’t. Men like him were a distraction. Listening to my heart was stupid, and I refused to ever be stupid again, no matter how much my heart pounded in defiance against my chest.

This industry was waiting for me to fall apart, to do something dumb, to lose it all, and I had to reject anything that could possibly help that happen. Daniel Alexander could make me lose sight of everything I’d worked so hard for. While in his presence, I seemed to lose all ability to say no to him.

“I thought you didn’t do this kind of thing?” I asked.

“I’ll make an exception.” He smiled, seeming sincere.

I almost believed him. “I won’t,” I said as I unlatched the lock on the door.

“This isn’t over. I’m not letting you walk away from me that easily.”

“Sure looks like it to me.” I walked out, leaving Daniel to watch me go.



Tags: J. Sterling Heartless Romance