Page 4 of 10 Years Later

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David was definitely all looks and no brains, which had always been a turnoff to me. I liked good-looking guys as much as the next girl, but I needed more than just a pretty face. Call me crazy.

“Any other guesses, Debbie?”

“Um, I’m not sure. I don’t remember Cammie dating anyone, but she did hang out with the baseball team and stuff, so maybe it’s one of them?”

“Thanks for the call, Debbie.” John pressed a button, disconnecting her. “Have fun tomorrow,” he continued, speaking as if she were still on the line. “So, Cammie. The baseball team?”

“I hung out with the guys on the team because I played softball. All the girls did. It was like a sports bonding thing.”

“Oh, I bet you bonded, all right,” Tom added.

“Seriously?” I shot back, feeling ridiculous.

“Just tell us who it is,” he insisted, and I knew they weren’t going to give up anytime soon. “Or at least admit that there’s someone you want to see.”

I glared across the desk at them. “Fine.”

“I knew it! There is someone you can’t wait to see!” Tom shouted, his hands waving in the air.

I shrugged and said noncommittally, “There might be someone.”

“Does he know?” John asked.

“Does he know what?” I smirked, wanting to make the guys work for any information I would be forced to reveal.

John gave me a frustrated glare, urging me to play along. “Does he know that you can’t wait to see him. And that you love him?”

“I do not love him.” I breathed into the microphone, already exasperated with this conversation. “And no, he probably has no idea. I’m sure he’s forgotten all about me,” I admitted, the small truth escaping from my betraying mouth.

Tom shook his head wildly. “No way! Any guy who could forget about you is an idiot, Cammie.”

“Yeah,” John chimed in. “I’d be counting down the days until I could see you again.”

“Ten years is a lot of days to count,” I said with a smile.

“I don’t know about you, John, but I want to hear about this guy. What’s he doing now?”

My heart raced as beads of sweat formed on unmentionable parts of my body. “I don’t know what he’s doing now. I don’t even know if he’ll be there or not.”

“You didn’t keep in touch over the years?” John prodded.


“You’re hopeless, girl.”

“Trust me, I know.”

“Let’s look him up online. What’s his name?” Tom winked, and I felt my face completely drop as I stayed silent.

John’s face brightened. “Cammie, let’s try to find him. It will be fun!”

“Fun for who, exactly?” I choked out as I secretly plotted their deaths.

“For everyone listening, obviously.”

“Are we done yet?” I wh

ined, wanting this to end.

Tags: J. Sterling Romance