Page 128 of Love You Always

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I came back to my place with other plans tonight, but I think Tomas may have his own. And something tells me they’re not short term by the way he’s holding me. Even though this scares me, I decide to enjoy the affection he’s giving me. I can have tonight. That’s my last thought before I snuggle deeper into him.



Fuck she’s beautiful. It’s all I can think as I brush her hair out of her face. She sleeps so soundly. Her full lips are parted as she takes small breaths in and out. In her sleep she clings to me like she needs me more than her next little breath. It’s going to be hell pulling myself out from under her.

She passed out on me last night. I didn't move an inch after I pulled her into me, making sure we were both comfortable before I let sleep take me. It had been the most peaceful night of sleep that I’ve had in a long time. This time I didn't have to worry about her slipping out on me. I was in her house now. There was nowhere for her to go. I wish I could say the same about myself. But unfortunately, I need to leave my little pixie.

If I hadn’t already made this commitment a long time ago, I wouldn't be doing it, but I know the kids will be disappointed if I don’t show up. As slowly as possible, I slide out from under her, making sure my little pixie doesn't wake up. She needs her sleep. I’m sure all of this is overwhelming for her. I keep reminding myself that I can be a patient man. For her I can.

This isn’t the ring where I’m looking for the knockout immediately. My little pixie is proving to be a different type of opponent. The toughest one I’ve ever faced. So yes, I need to be patient and wait until she’s ready. Her phone on the coffee table buzzes with a text, breaking me from my thoughts. I shouldn't look but I do. A text shows from her friend, Alyssa.

Alyssa: Dress shopping today. Don’t forget!

I smile. That makes me feel a little bit better. I know she’ll have something to do all day. My phone buzzes a moment later. I head for the door, opening it before Jordan can knock, pulling it open a crack to wait for him. He’s there a minute later.

“Thanks,” I tell him as I take the bags from him.

“Anything else, sir?”

“Is my car downstairs?”

“Yeah. I put the keys in the gym bag.”

“See you later.” He gives me a nod as I close the door. I make quick work of changing my clothes. Then I set food out for her. That forgetting to eat shit she does is over now that she has me to look out for her. I’m starting to get a better sense of who she is more and more now.

She might not like it but she needs someone to look out for her. I think she might take it as a weakness or something but she’s so wrong. I’d been spot on when I called her a pixie. She is a dreamer. She sees the world differently than everyone does. It’s her canvas to create and live in the moment. I’m guessing that my presence has tilted that world a bit for her. I’m not being cocky, but I can see that she wants to give me more.

Only knowing her the short time I have, I can tell that she’s someone who brings laughter and light into other people's lives. It’s easy for her to get lost in her own head. If I had to guess, I’d say she loses a lot of things. It’s part of who she is. She does what she wants without worrying about the small details that might hinder her.

We’re perfect for one another. I’m more than willing to worry about those details for her. I think we found each other when we truly needed the other the most. I’ve never believed in fate, but I do now. It had brought me my little pixie so it must exist.

I walk back over to the couch once I’m dressed. I stare down at her for a moment. The urge to stay is pulling at me but disappointing those kids isn’t an option. I had enough disappointment as a child. I never want another child to suffer that. Especially on my account. I lean down, my finger brushing her hair off of her face, and brush my lips softly across hers.

She whispers out my name in her sleep so softly I almost don’t catch it. I smile, knowing that my name was the last thing to cross her lips and pray that her dreams are of me.

I pick up her phone and set an alarm to remind her of the dress shopping that Alyssa had texted her about. I know my little pixie has probably forgotten so this will make sure that she doesn’t miss it. I set a few of them at 15 minute intervals in case she’s a snooze button person. Then I text myself from her phone so that I have her number. I take one last look at her before I leave, trying to figure out what I did in this life to deserve her.

Tags: Lucy Darling Romance