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“I feel great,” Nadia says as she pours herself some coffee. “Must have been all that married sex we had all night long.”

Carmine winks at his bride and takes a sip of his own coffee as Shane and Annika walk through the door.

“I found this one in the kitchen, sulking over a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.”

She’s still carrying the bowl.

“I’m not sulking.”

“Well, you weren’t smiling,” Shane says and sits on the arm of Ivie’s chair. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey. I’m consuming all the sugar to help fight this hangover. I know better than to get drunk on champagne. It hurts.”

“Drink lots of water today,” Nadia advises her. “Okay, we’re all here.”

Carmine closes and locks the door. “I want to keep this between the six of us for a while. I don’t think we need to involve the parents at this time.”

“You don’t have to be involved,” Annika says. “Really, I can handle this.”

“Can you?” Shane asks before I can. “Okay, what’s your first move?”

“Nothing. I wait.”

“Wrong,” Shane replies. “We’re going to question the staff. We’re going to look at security disks. We’re going to hunt these motherfuckers down and kill them.”

“Can’t I just sue them? Why do people have to die all the time?”

“Because they deserve it.”

They deserve much more than just death.

And I’ll be the one to hand it out.

“Nadia and Carmine are headed out on their honeymoon,” Annika begins, but Nadia shakes her head.

“We’re postponing, but only for a little while.”

“No. No, Nadia. You deserve this break. Go on your honeymoon. I have these three looking out for me—whether I like it or not.”

“Hey,” Ivie says with a scowl, and I feel my lips twitch.

“Do you really think I’ll just leave when this is going down?” Nadia demands. “Not a chance in hell. Besides, we’ll get it wrapped up quickly, and I’ll be lying on a tropical beach somewhere before I know it.”

“I have a flight to catch this afternoon,” Annika says, checking the time. “I’m headed back to Denver so I can get back to work.”


She arches a brow at my one-word proclamation.

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter. You’re not taking a commercial flight.”

She props her hands on her hips. “Yes, I am. I’m not like you. I don’t always have to take a private jet.”

“Someone is threatening you. That means you won’t be on a commercial flight, Annika. When the time comes to go back to Denver, I’ll fly you.”

“The time is today,” she stresses. “To. Day.”

“God, you’re stubborn.” I push my hand through my hair and shake my head. “I’m not trying to control you or be an asshole here. I’m going to keep you safe, whether you like it or not.”

“You’re a caveman,” she retorts.

Carmine smirks.

Shane coughs into his hand.

“Me, caveman.” I thump my chest. “Me save you.”

Annika just rolls her eyes.

“Ivie and I will get started on the security disks,” Shane says and then smiles down at Ivie. “As soon as her head feels better.”

“I need another donut.” Before she can stand and retrieve it, Shane fetches it for her. “Thank you. I’ll be good in a few minutes.”

“I have a call in to the catering company to ask about the waiter who delivered the envelope,” Carmine adds. “We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

“And what do I do in the meantime? Just sit around and wait?”

“You have your computer with you,” Ivie points out. “You can get caught up on charting, make calls to patients, that sort of thing.”

Annika blows out a breath. “Fine. I’ll be in my room, working.”

She stomps away, and I want to run after her. My room is next to hers, and I heard her crying all night.

It’s a personal torture, knowing that she hurts, but I know she wouldn’t welcome my comfort.

“If I’m going to hack into stuff, I need more coffee,” Ivie says.

“No one said you had to hack anything,” Shane says with a laugh. “We own the security footage.”

“Well, where’s the fun in that?”

I blink at her, then look at Nadia. “What am I missing?”

“Ivie’s killer with a computer,” Shane says proudly. “She can hack into anything.”

“Well, that’ll come in handy.” I grin and grab three donuts and a full cup of coffee, then head for the door. “I’ll be in my room, making calls and keeping an eye on Annika. Just let me know if you find anything. I’ll do the same.”

The others nod as I stride out of the office and head up the stairs to the bedrooms.

I know my grandmother’s old home like the back of my hand. My brothers and I practically grew up here. Since she died, it feels like we’ve spent even more time here.

That would make Gram happy.

I stop by Annika’s door and press my ear against the wood.

The water’s running.

She’s in the shower.

I walk into my space and shove a donut into my mouth while I boot up my computer.

Tags: Kristen Proby With Me in Seattle Mafia Romance