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I’m dying to know what the hell these two are up to, but there’s no way he’ll tell me. At least not in front of Harper.

Right as Harper hands the baby to Ethan, her phone goes off. After excusing herself, she steps into the hallway, giving me the perfect opportunity to interrogate Ethan.

“You have thirty seconds to tell me what’s goin’ on,” I demand. “And don’t bullshit me.”

He rolls his eyes, giving Elisa to Connor, who’s silently watching us.

“If I tell you, there’s no telling Mom and Dad.”

“Fine,” I say to appease him. As long as it’s nothing illegal or stupid, I can keep that promise.

Ethan stalls, then finally blurts it out. “We did an engagement photo shoot tonight. That’s why we were late, and that’s why she’s wearing a ring. But it’s fake.”

I narrow my eyes, completely baffled. “A fake engagement shoot? What—”

“I’m pretending to be her fiancé to help her out with something. It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you before we leave next weekend but until then, keep your mouth shut.”

“Are you sure about this? Pretending to be engaged to your best friend, who you’re secretly in love with, sounds like a bad idea.”

He shakes his head, denying it. “It’ll be fine.”


“Though you’re a pain in my ass most days, I still love you and don’t want you to get hurt. The longer you guys keep up the façade, the longer you risk your heart.”

“Don’t worry, sis. I’ve got it under control. Trust me.”

Before I can say another word, Harper returns and apologizes for stepping out. She’s too sweet for her own good, and I don’t understand why she’d need to fake an engagement.

Before long, it’s time for them to go, and when I hug Ethan goodbye, I make him promise to text me later. He says he will, but I have my doubts. When it comes to Harper, he keeps his feelings locked away.

“Wow, what a day…” I sigh, finally relaxing for the first time in hours. Elisa’s asleep in the bassinet, and Connor looks like he’s about to pass out.

“One of the best,” he says, reaching over and threading his fingers through mine.

“Thank you for giving me one of the most incredible gifts ever.” He brings my hand to his lips as kisses my knuckles. “And though we’re about to be elbow deep in midnight feedings and dirty diapers, I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.”

His sweet confession has my eyes watering, and if it wasn’t for these stupid hormones making me extra emotional, I’d tell him how much that means to me.

“Don’t cry.” Connor tilts up my chin before pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

“I’m a mess,” I say between laughter. “Hope you still love me now that you’ve seen me in a diaper.”

Connor chuckles as if he’s used to my mood swings. “Would it make you feel better if I was wearing one?”

The visual causes me to burst into laughter.

“And that’s why I married you.”

I pull him in for a hot, passionate kiss, remembering all the times I dreamed about his lips on mine and how I have him any time I want.

“I love you,” he whispers against my mouth.

“I love you more, Cowboy.”

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