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She closes the gap, pressing her lips to mine, sending the roller coaster inside me swooping over a crest and plunging down the other side.

My stomach lurches and my chest goes tight as a wave of something more intense that simple attraction rushes through me.

At first, it’s only lips.

Mine on hers. Hers on mine. A gentle, curious exploration, learning the landscape, sampling the dips and valleys of each other.

And as my lips brush hers, I try to record all the lush details. The tropical scent in her hair, like she uses one of those Hawaiian shampoos. The soft curves of her mouth.

The little sighs and gasps she makes that lead me on.

Make me want to get even closer.

She parts her lips, inviting me to take this kiss to another level.

Try something new, indeed.

My tongue flicks into her mouth, and she opens for me. Then, in the span of a heartbeat, my mind is a wild haze.

My body takes over.

My blood pumps fast as I thread my fingers into her silky hair and pull her closer, devouring her mouth. She tastes like salt and spice from our meal, with a hint of lemon and a deeper, sweeter base note that’s pure Ruby.

And I want to get to know this side of her.

Seems she wants the same thing. Her hands make their way up my chest, traveling over my pecs until she loops them around my neck.

This isn’t a starter kiss.

This is one of those kisses that’s going in only one direction.

My favorite direction.

She tugs gently on my neck, and since I’m a damn good listener, I answer her, nudging her legs apart, making room for myself.

Here, on the O of YO, I wedge myself between those gorgeous thighs—thank you, sculptor, for making this letter perfect kissing height for a sitting woman and a standing guy. As I move closer to her center, a gasp escapes those pretty lips.

I break the kiss. “Everything good?”

“So good. But I don’t think I’ve tried quite enough of this something new. You know, for the sake of the list. I need more."

“Then we better make sure you complete this task,” I tease, tightening my fingers in her hair, savoring the feel of the strands as my other hand slides around to her ass.

I jerk her closer, my hard-on pressing against her now, loud and clear.

She gives a little yelp. A sexy one. “That’s . . . new.”

I wiggle a brow. “Something to try,” I say, unable to help myself.

Hell, I’m sealed to this fantastic woman on a gorgeous summer night, and she’s buzzed on mushrooms and lists and the butterfly effect . . . and me.

We’re not going to catch feelings.

We’re not going to cause trouble.

We’re just trying something new.

And I want more of the new. So much more. I dip my face to her again, sliding my lips over hers, teasing, tempting.

Tags: Lauren Blakely, Lili Valente Good Love Romance