Page 12 of Dirty Secret

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Better than I ever expected.

Another perk of luxury.

Is that how Cam sees it? He does wear his suit everywhere. And he did buy the most expensive pour over.

And he certainly enjoys his hundred-dollar-a-glass wine.

Is he comfortable with luxury?

Or does it still feel strange, like he's a visitor in someone else's life?

I close my eyes. Wet my hair. Let water drip down my cheeks, chin, shoulders.

What if he was here, in this warm, wet space with me?

My head fills with beautiful images.

My hand on his chest.

My fingers tracing the tattoo on his shoulders. Those curving black letters. The jagged heart on his chest.

His lips on my neck.

His hand between my legs.

His voice in my ears.

No teasing, no bullshit, just him ordering me to come on his hand.

I slip my hand between my legs. Follow the thread of my thoughts to places I shouldn't go.

I come fast.


Then I catch my breath, finishing washing, dress.

Find my sister waiting for me.

Chapter Nine


Indigo is leaning against the kitchen counter in a short black sundress, a takeout coffee cup in her hand.

She has a key.

I have a key to her place too, but I don't usually enter without knocking. There's too high a chance I'll walk in on her and Ty naked.

And I really don't need to see that.

"Iced latte." She offers me the drink.

Mmm. Iced latte. She can stop by to drop off an iced latte anytime.

She can stop by anytime.

That was my policy before Cam showed up. There's no reason for it to change.

"Thanks." I accept the drink with a smile. "You don't have one."

She points to an iced tea on the counter and gives me a slow once-over. An older sister one. Equal parts I'm your friend and I'm here for you and I'm your protector and I'm making sure you don't need protection. "You look cute."

"This old thing?"

"And you?"

She smiles and does a quick curtsy. "I try."

"Does Ty like it?"

She shoots me a really look. "You care if Ty likes it."

"Don't you?"

"Only if we're playing."

Playing what? Indie tries to shield me from her sex life. I don't know details. I'm not sure I want details. "Playing as in role playing?" Okay, I want details.

"If we're meeting for sex."

"You meet for things besides sex?"

"We live together."

"Even so."

She laughs and pulls me into a tight hug. "I hope you never change."

"What about me? I mean, I'm really great, so I'm sure it's a lot of things. But specifically…"

"You have such a strong sense of what matters." She releases me. Takes a long sip of her tea. "Hold on to that."

"You or Ty always object to my marriage criteria." I try my iced latte. Mmm, sweet, sweet caffeine, creamy milk, just enough added sugar. Perfect. "Which is so hypocritical. Since you two are always screwing like rabbits."

"And he's rich."


She nods fair. "It's not about sex."

I raise a brow really.

"Not only about sex. It's trust. I, actually… I want to talk to you about that."

Ugh. Not an older sister be careful talk. I appreciate her looking out for me, I do. But I've heard this make sure you trust your sexual partners lecture enough times.

I don't need the talk. I'm plenty gun-shy.

I hate hesitating. It's not me. It's not comfortable for me. It's not what I want to be.

And now my sister is here to remind me I'm unable to be my badass bold self in this one arena.

Does she know I'm scared? Or does she believe my bark matches my bite?

"Do we have to?" I shrug like I don't care about her lecture.

"Humor me. Please. Let me be an obnoxious, overprotective older sister for ten minutes."

How am I supposed to say no to that? I nod. "You do look good." I take a long sip of my iced coffee. "Chic yet sexy."

"Boss bitch?"

"Totally boss bitch. Expensive."

"I can only be bought for the highest price?"

"No. Like you're the one who buys men for the right price."

"Which men are these?"

"Ones who satisfy you then leave the second you're done with them."

She laughs. "And how much do I spend on these men?"

"I don't know. How much would you spend?"

"I'm not sure I'd hire an escort."

Escort. What a euphemism. As if people are really hiring professionals to escort them on dates.

"I have Ty."

"And he already blows your mind?"

She smiles and drifts into the Love Zone. Hazy eyes, soft expression, intense contentment.

She's happy. I'm happy for her. It's great. I'd say enough already, but I brought this on myself. "Shall we?" I motion to the balcony.

She snaps back to reality, nods, follows me outside.

My balcony isn't nearly as grand as the terrace slash rooftop deck at her and Ty's place. It's a tenth the size, with way cheaper furniture, but it's still a balcony with a view of the Hudson.

It's fucking amazing.

"I don't think I'd want to hire someone," she says. "Not for sex. I wouldn't want to bring money into it."

Tags: Crystal Kaswell Billionaire Romance