Page 2 of The Heartbreaker

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Me: I just got a drink

Jill: With the hot guy?

Me: he's a family friend and yes

Jill: *fire emoji*


Jill: I'm going to hang out with Reid unless you want company

Me: I'm good

Jill: Check in with you in an hour?

Me: Ok

I put my phone away and look up as I sip my tequila. I would join the conversation, but honestly, I don't want to and the girls haven't so much as glanced at me.

"Text me," the original one says, winking at Jagger as she walks away.

Jagger doesn't say anything. He just turns back to me.

"Such a ladies' man," I say.

"A gift and a curse." He sips his drink. "How's your drink?"


"Well, you did request tequila on the rocks."

"It's good though. Refreshing."


"What are you drinking?"

"Same thing as you." He shrugs. "I figured I should try it."


"It's all right."

"Just all right?" I laugh.

"I'm not much of a drinker, so I feel like this is going to knock me on my ass."

"Same." I take another sip.

"I never thought I'd see the day Josephine CanĂ³ would be trying to get drunk at a party."

"I guess . . . I guess I figure it'll help give me a little bit of courage, you know?"

"Courage for what?"

"To talk to guys and stuff."

He chuckles, shaking his head. "Every guy who's walked by has checked you out. I don't think you need any kind of courage."

"They haven't talked to me." I feel myself frown.

"Because you're with me." He winks. "I've been giving off she's mine vibe."

"Oh." My heart slams into my chest. I swallow. "Do you . . . " I pause and lick my lips. "Do you want me to be yours? For the night, I mean."

"Are you offering?"

"Maybe." I take another sip of the tequila.

Jagger grins. It's a slow grin that transforms his already gorgeous face into something even hotter and suddenly I feel like there isn't enough air in this room.

"So, what are you studying?" he asks after a moment.

"Public Health."


"Nice or boring?" I bite my lip and when his eyes drop to my mouth I feel myself blush furiously. "Your mouth is saying nice, but your eyes are saying boring."

"Nothing about you is boring." His gaze darkens as he says the words and takes a step forward.

I'm well aware that we're in a loud, crowded party, but at this moment, when Jagger is looking at me like he wants to devour me, it's as if the world disappears. For so long, too long, I've been Good Girl Josephine. The one who doesn't go home past curfew and doesn't date the wrong boy. My sister, who's only a year younger than me, has always tried to get me to rebel a little and while I cover for her when she decides to stay out later, it's just not in me to push buttons.

I take a deep breath and then another and do something I've only dreamed of. I take one step closer to Jagger, watching the way his gaze blazes as I put a hand on his hard chest, and kiss him. It's a quick kiss. A peck. Jagger blinks, surprised when I pull away. His eyes search mine for a moment, just long enough to convince himself of what to do next. He takes our cups, sets them down, and grabs my hand, leading me to the back of the room and then up the stairs. Once we're there, standing in the hall, where there are doors open and closed and the music is still loud but not as loud as downstairs, he turns to me. My heart is beating so hard, so fast, I'm not sure what to do with it.

"I thought it would be quieter up here," he says after a moment, glancing toward the stairs. "I guess not."

"And here I was thinking you were leading me to a bedroom." I tilt my head slightly. Jagger's eyes widen as he looks at me again.

"Do you want me to lead you to a bedroom?"

"I wouldn't have followed you up here if I didn't."

He grazes his lower lip with his perfect teeth as he studies me and my heart flips. Even though I grew up around him, seeing him tonight feels like meeting him for the first time. Maybe it's the ambiance or the fact that for the first time our parents and siblings aren't sitting steps away from us. Maybe it's that while I have always been attracted to him, I've never been as attracted to him as I am at this moment. Whatever the case, I vow to let tonight goes wherever my body wants it to go. I'm not going to talk myself out of anything. I'm not going to reprimand myself for being too forward.

"My offer stands, you know," I say, "About being yours for the night."

"Jesus." He huffs out a laugh, raking a hand through his perfect, thick waves.

Tags: Claire Contreras Romance