Page 11 of The Heartbreaker

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“So, you get the king size?” I shoot him a look over my shoulder.

“I’m bigger than you. I thought it was only fair.”

“Right.” I sigh, walking out of the room. “I’m only letting you keep it because I’m not in the mood to argue right now.”

“Josephine Canó doesn’t want to argue?”

“I really don’t.” I walk back to the living room, where Misty is typing away on her phone.

“I know I said I’d help you unpack, but I have to get back. My landlord is at my new place.” She looks up at me with a sigh.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.” I offer her a smile, but whatever she sees on my face makes her expression turn sad and sympathetic. She steps forward and wraps her arms around me, squeezing me tight.

“I’m so sorry I have to leave you like this. Just focus on unpacking, or don’t. Take a nap. Go for a jog. Come out to the party tonight. It’s a block away, so you can walk there and back.” She pulls away and wipes the tears from my face. “You’re stronger than you know.”

“I just . . . ” I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. “I hate him.”

“I know.” She hugs me again and sighs. “I’m serious about the jog. It’s a nice day out and it’ll help clear your head.”

I nod, wiping my tears as I pull away. I decide to do as she says and unpack and go for a jog afterwards. Jagger’s in his room, door closed, playing music, so it’s not like he’s going to notice what I’m doing. I’m grateful for the space he’s put between us, and even more grateful when I hear him leave the house right before I go for a jog. My sister’s right, it helps clear my head and stop thinking about Lawrence every five seconds.

Chapter Six


“What are you so riled up about?” Maverick asks as I walk over.

“Who says I’m riled up? I’m fine.” I grab one of the red cups from his hand and take a sip, my mouth souring as the liquid goes down my throat. “God. This tastes like poison.”

“It’s the punch the sorority is known for.” Mav glances at me. “How would you know what poison tastes like?”

“Well, if there was ever something poison would taste like it’s this.”

“I hear it sneaks up on you and knocks you on your ass.”

“This stuff?” I chuckle, taking another sip. “Yeah right.”

“Famous last words.” He raises an eyebrow and takes another sip, cringing. “You’re right though. Is it me or is it really sour?”

“It’s kind of sour.” I take another sip for good measure.

“Jagger!” The voice is shrilled in my ear as someone attempts to jump on my back.

I turn sideways and see Jessa with a wide smile on her face. She’s wearing shorts that I know will give everyone a view of her nice ass and a shirt so small that all you can see is her cleavage, or the cleavage she managed to make with what she’s working with. I fucked her last year, on and off, so I know exactly what she’s working with.

“Hey, Jessa.” I smile at her. “Who are you here with?”

“My sisters.” She points at the four girls behind her, who are ogling me and my brother, and states their names as the goes.

“Nice to meet you, ladies.” I nod.

“You’ve met them before.” Jessa rolls her eyes and looks over at her friends. “He forgets everyone.”

“I do. I’m sorry.” I shoot them a sympathetic smile. “Do any of you have anything to do with the poison we’re drinking?”

“It’s so good, right?” Jessa puts a hand on my forearm and squeezes. “I would give you the recipe but then I’d have to kill you.”

“I’d love to see you try.” I raise an eyebrow and take another sip. Two of her friends have already taken a place on either side of Mav and are talking to him.

“Maybe I’ll show you.” She lowers her eyes and her voice as she steps even closer to me, smashing her tits on my arm. “I wouldn’t object if you take me home tonight.”

“Maybe I will.” I meet her bright blue eyes and wink. She smiles wider.

“I have to introduce my Littles to some people, but I will be back to cash in on that offer.” She leans in closer, pulling me down slightly until her mouth is near my ear and swirls her tongue along the shell. My cock stirs. She lets go and pulls away. “See you later.”

“See ya.” I put my cup up as a goodbye and watch the five of them walk away.

“She’s fucking hot,” Mav says beside me.

“She is.”

“I don’t understand why you don’t just lock it down.”

“Lock it down?” I turn to look at him.

“Make her your girlfriend, you know.”

“Why would I?”

Tags: Claire Contreras Romance