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It’s true because the attraction between us is intense, and this woman and I have been making love non-stop ever since the night of the bachelor auction. But it’s not just the physical connection. Lina gets me, and she’s fun and funny to be around. In short, she’s a friend, in addition to being the woman I adore.

She smiles sweetly.

“You’re on. I’ll be sure to stream The Sound of Music one night, and also make sure to have condoms nearby, you caveman.”

I growl, nuzzling her ear while chuckling at her sense of humor.

“Don’t get me started, honey, otherwise I’m going to ravish you right here in the middle of the botanic gardens.”

With that, our date continues and my heart expands with pleasure and gratitude at having this woman at my side. After all, we met under crazy circumstances, but who knew that Lina was actually a stripper with a heart of gold beneath it all? I’m lucky to know her, and as we stroll about the gardens, my soul settles and my arm curves naturally about her waist. This woman is so honest, innocent, and sexy at once, and I adore her more with each moment that passes.



* * *

It’s been three months since Tim and I started dating, and I’ve been floating on Cloud Nine. But it’s not just that I have an amazing boyfriend. Business at Amazing Blooms has steadily increased since I opened my doors, and as a result, I haven’t been dancing at the Krazy Kat at all. I know it makes Tim happy because he’s a possessive guy, even if he says he’s not.

“I love how you look when you wear those costumes for me,” he growled in my ear one night last week. I shimmied my hips at him, making the feathers on my butt sway.

“You mean you like this tiara? The feather boa? Or no, it’s this necklace, right?” I teased.

My man’s blue eyes flared, and he grabbed me by my waist.

“You know it’s not that,” he rasped hoarsely in my ear. “I don’t want you shaking those tailfeathers for any other man but me.”

I kissed him deeply, which soon turned into frenzied lovemaking, with both of us shouting with release and pleasure. But that’s how it is between Tim and me. We understand each other, and enjoy one another immensely. Now, I’m with my friend Rachel and we’re sitting around eating pepperoni pizza while gabbing up a storm.

“So you haven’t been dancing at the Krazy Kat?” my buddy asks, her cheeks full with a slice. “Wow!”

I nod.

“Yup. My manager called to complain, but I just made excuses. But it’s wonderful because I’ve been able to focus entirely on Amazing Blooms, and business has really picked up!”

My friend nods with encouragement. “That’s super wonderful Lina. I’m so happy for you.”

I laugh melodiously while taking another sip of my Coke. “I know, right? How are you, by the way? We’ve been talking entirely about me this whole time.”

Rachel is a curvy girl like me, and she has long, dark hair, as well as the kind of loud, unselfconscious laugh that makes you want to giggle along with her. She’s the kind of person who you can trust with anything, even your deepest, darkest secrets. Now, I’m so glad we’ve reconnected. She sighs.

“I’ve been single as a Pringle for a good two years now,” she laments. “The only loving I’ve gotten has been from the occasional stranger or my right hand.”

I laugh at her lament. “It’ll happen for you too, Rach. You just have to give it time.”

“Oh, yeah, coming from the girl who’s started to plan her wedding already!”

I chortle.

“Hey! I only showed you my Pinterest out of trust and love. I didn’t think you were going to throw it back in my face. Besides, didn’t you love that heart-shaped pergola? I’d love to get married beneath something so romantic,” I sigh.

Rachel throws me a rueful look.

“Girl, you are so head over heels, it’s incredible.”

I just laugh.

“Well, Tim is hot,” I say, “and yes, I am head over heels,” I add primly with a smile, polishing off the last of my slice. My buddy just rolls her eyes.

“Okay, tell me more,” she says. “What’s Tim done this time?”

I laugh happily and scroll through my pictures on my phone until I find a good one of him. I took a picture of him at the botanic gardens right when a bright blue butterfly landed on top of his head. The effect is a bit comical, but still, my boyfriend is H-O-T.

“See? Isn’t he gorgeous?”

Rach looks and laughs.

“He is, and I’m so jealous, girlfriend. But tell me this: how is the sex? Sometimes the best-looking guys are the worst in bed.”

I shake my head.

“Not Tim,” I say. “He’s amazing. Not only that, but he’s got a thing for me calling him “Daddy,” and with a body like his, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic