Page 117 of Bang Gang

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He stood at my side with his hand on my shoulder, and I felt so stupidly proud, so happy, I couldn’t help the tears spilling down my cheeks.

“Oh, Jodie, what is it, love?” Nanna said and all eyes were on me.

Worried eyes.

I took a breath, wiped the tears with the back of my hand. “I’m just happy,” I said, “happier than I’ve ever been.” I whipped out the envelope from my pocket and gave it to Darren. He opened it up and pulled out the scan, held it up for the whole table to see.

I focused on the the girls, desperate for their reaction. Ruby’s jaw dropped open wide, Mia’s too.

“A baby?!” Ruby squealed. “Do I get a brother? A real brother?”

My heart melted and I reached out for her hand. “Not sure about a brother, Ruby, but a baby, yes. We’re having a baby!”

Mia smiled, then frowned, folded her arms. “Does this mean I have to share my room with Ruby monster?”

Darren answered before I could. “Not when I’ve finished the extension, Mia. Nanna’s having a nice downstairs bedroom, all kitted out flash, aren’t you, Nanna? Will be just the job, like.”

Nanna grinned. “For my knees,” she said to Darren’s mum and dad.

My mum took my hand and pulled me in for a hug, and the whole table was full of congratulations. It felt amazing. I felt amazing.

My dad had to wipe his eyes on a napkin, and Darren rolled his eyes, slapped him on the back and told him to man up, Pops. They shook hands and my dad congratulated Darren on the good work.

I flushed as Darren met my eyes, that stare of his so bloody intense as he told my dad it had been a fucking pleasure.

“Baby number three!” my mum said. “You’ll end up with a whole load of garages at this rate, Darren, just to fit them all in the family business!”

I laughed. “Trent and daughters,” I said. “It’s already been decided.”

“Now all we need is to make Jodie a bloody Trent, too,” Darren said. “About bloody time as well.”

But I’d always been Jodie Trent, right from those days at the bus stop all that time ago when he’d let me bum his cigarettes and I’d told him my name.


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