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“You’re so fucking hot when you pout,” he purrs, kissing me. It’s long and deep, literally teasing me and fucking my mouth with his tongue. He groans as the kiss goes even deeper and I feel the vibrations, as our tongues war with one another. I know he tastes himself in my mouth and there’s something about that, that makes me even hotter.

I gasp as he gets on the bed and picks me up, moving me so that I’m astride him.

“Is this the position?” I laugh, settling on top of him, and loving the way his hard cock is pushing against my center.

“I wanted you on your back, so I could watch you as I fuck you. For me, there’s nothing better than watching your face as I sink balls deep inside of you, Maggie.”

I quiver, thinking I kind of want that now.

“Then, what changed your mind?” I ask him, letting my fingers move over his chest, memorizing him, even though there’s no way I could forget an inch of what he looks like. Bryant is lasered into my brain. His image is the first thing I see when I close my eyes at night. It’s been that way since I was sixteen… probably even before that if I’m honest.

“I realize that I can see your face this way, too, but I can also reach around and do this,” he says, making my brow crinkle with confusion as I try to figure out what he’s talking about. I don’t get a second to wonder, though, when I feel the sting of his hand slapping against my bare cheek.


“Now, when you want to sass your man, I can remind you who is in charge. Although, judging from all that slick cream of yours that just covered my cock, I think you might like it a little too much when I spank you .”

I can’t really deny that. I loved it, and since Bryant has spanked me in the past and knows that I love it, I don’t even try. Instead, I try to divert him from trying to make me admit it.

“Don’t call it cream,” I mumble. “That’s just gross. It makes me sound like a milk cow going to work in a butter factory.”

Bryant laughs, the sound almost as hot as the way his body moves beneath me with his humor.

“God, woman, I’m never going to figure you out,” he says. I could tell him that I can’t even figure myself out, but he doesn’t seem upset, so I figure—at least for now—that he doesn’t think it’s a bad thing this time. So, I say nothing. “Lift up on your knees so I can see if you’re ready for me,” he adds, his voice soft but hungry.

“Can’t you feel how ready I am?” I mutter, but I go up on my knees for him.

“I can feel how wet you are, baby. I just want to make sure you’re completely ready.”

I have no idea what that means, but when I feel his fingers slide between the lips of my pussy, skating over my clit, I cease to care. I brace my hands on his shoulders as I rock my body into his hand.

“Bryant, please,” I beg, as his fingers tease me, work me and make me want more all at the same time.

“Feed me your breast, Maggie,” he growls, pressing against my clit and applying pressure.

I lean in, holding my breasts. I push my chest out, letting one of my hard nipples press against his lips. He opens his mouth immediately, capturing the peak in his teeth gently. His tongue flicks it while his fingers push inside of me.

“Oh God,” I groan.

Every single time with Bryant is perfect and everything I could imagine. Yet, it’s always been hurried lately because we’re stealing time between work or while Terry is sleeping. There’s just never time to go slow. Bryant is being very thorough in everything he does right now. He’s just as hungry for me, so it’s slower, but I know I won’t have long to wait. As if to prove my point, he begins fucking me harder with his fingers, using his hold on my hip to guide me and setting the ride in exactly the way he wants. I don’t object, I couldn’t even if I tried. I want everything he’s doing to my body. I want it all.

All of him.

“Bryant,” I gasp, as he slides his body down, somehow able to do so without missing a beat on the way he’s working my pussy.

“I’m here, Maggie May,” he croons. “I’m right fucking here.”

With that promise, I feel his tongue press against my clit, his fingers fucking me, stretching me, before he sucks the swollen nub into his mouth and makes me cry out with pleasure.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I chant, feeling my orgasm building and knowing that it’s going to be huge. Bryant is eating at my pussy now, using his tongue, his lips, his fingers, everything to send me hurtling toward my climax. I try to fight it. The pleasure is so intense, but there’s no way that I want it to end. “Bryant!” I cry out as he bites on the lip of my pussy, the sting of pain sending shock waves through my pleasure-soaked body.

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance