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“I’m pretty sure I could braid some of that chest hair into a blanket….”

“Sweetheart, I’m not sure if I should be worried that you’re noticing their hairy chests over their…”

“Oh, I noticed their extremely monster-sized, hard cocks. Although, to be fair, I don’t think that one is hard. He looks more like a long, floppy Mr. Snuffleupagus,” she says, as if she’s discussing the weather.


“Like on television, Bryant. Terry loved that show when he was younger—”

“I know who he is, but I think you might be stretching it a little,” I mutter. “There’s no way he’s that big.”

“Oh stop sounding like you’re pouting. It’s a good thing I see things as being bigger than you do,” she adds, making a pointed look between my legs.

“I never hear you complaining,” I snap.

“And you wouldn’t. I’ve always been very satisfied with all that is you in that department, sweetheart.”

“Gee, thanks,” I mutter, not feeling better about it at all.

“I mean, I don’t even know what a girl would do with all of that. There’s no way it’s going to fit inside of her.”

“I’ll bet you ten bucks it will,” I tell her, and her eyes dilate.

“You seriously want to sit here and watch this? Oh my God, Bryant, if you’re feeling desperate to get me in the mood for sex, you didn’t have to go to these limits.”

“Oh please, I can get you in the mood just by shaking my hips,” I remind her.

“Oh, you poor deluded man. It’s not your helicopter dance that does it for me. That’s not nearly as impressive as you think it is.”


“Just the facts. But you are adorably goofy when you do that dance,” she allows, looking like she wants to giggle now.

“Adorably goofy? Damn, the blows keep coming.”

“Your ego can take it,” she laughs.

“I’m not so sure. Anyway, I didn’t put this movie in. It was in the Highlander case.”

“Yikes. You think Titan is into bad seventies porn?”

“Damn it, Maggie! Stop wondering about Titan’s taste in porn. Better yet, stop worrying about Titan’s taste in anything.” That makes her cackle, which is not the reaction I wanted at all. I don’t know what I wanted—maybe her getting down on her knees and offering to worship my cock and beg for forgiveness—but definitely not laughter. “I don’t see anything remotely funny about this,” I respond, and I know I sound like a pouting child—I just can’t help it.

“You’re so touchy. I have no idea how you can be since you know you’re the owner of the only dick I’ve had,” she responds, still laughing—as if she has no idea what she’s just said and what it means to me. She probably doesn’t. I grab her and settle back on the sofa with her in my lap and her sweet body nestled up against me.

“Not even the guy in Dallas?” I ask, needing to know.

Maggie jerks her face away from the television and back to me. Surprise is on her features, and I feel a small tremble move through her body. Her face goes soft and that makes my gut clench. I love that look. She’s given it to me often, usually when we’re making love or after she tells me she loves me. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it—not in a hundred years, not even a million years…not in a lifetime.

Her hand slides along the side of my face, her fingers pushing into my hair.

“There’s only ever been you, Bryant. I’ve made a lot of mistakes, but my reasoning never had to do with you. It’s always been about me and my own failures.”

“Then, why even bother dating? Why this new guy? I don’t understand, Maggie. Help me understand what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

“The dating wasn’t for me, Bryant. It was for you,” she huffs.

“Come again?” I question, not quite believing what the hell she’s saying.

“I thought if you saw me moving on, then you would, too.”

“You wanted me to have another woman?” I growl, wondering what the fuck I have to do to get some sense into that brain of hers.”

“Yes! I mean, well…Damn it, Bryant, I thought maybe if you saw me dating, then you would see it as a sign that it was time for you to move on with your life. A sign that showed you I wasn’t worth it, or that you deserved better.”

“Are you even listening to yourself?” I ask, dumbfounded.

Maggie jumps off my lap, slapping her hands on her hips. She looks down at me, angry, but uncertainty still shining on her face. “Yes! I’m a mess, Bryant. I have been since we lost Brylee. You don’t deserve all the bullshit that comes along with me. It’s not your job to fix me. Hell, at this point, I think it’s pretty clear that I can’t be fixed. I’m irretrievably broken. I knew you were just waiting for me to get my head straight and I didn’t want that for you.”

Tags: Jordan Marie Romance