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“What did they say to you?” I cross my arms over my chest, shivering, feeling the chilly night more than I did earlier.

“They think I’m one of the bad guys. They think Sabatini is in on the plan.”

“Did they tell you what’s next?”

He stares at me. “No, they didn’t. They assumed I already knew it.”

“Well, we need to figure it all out.”

Sebastian agrees, stepping even closer. “Mia, I’m sorry. I hope they’re not right. I hope your father wouldn’t do this to me, and to you.”

Tears well in my eyes at the mere thought of my father being behind everything. No, I won’t believe this. “I just don’t believe my father could be a part of this all. You’re wrong, Sebastian.” I step back into the house, closing the sliding door to keep away from him.

I head down the hallway and Enzo meets me there.

“What’s the matter? Everything ok?” he asks, his eyes worried. But who knows if he’s even worried about anything, if what Sebastian says is true.

Is it true?

Is everyone a part of this scheme?

“Nothing, just got some bad news.”

“Your Prada shoes are on back-order?” He shoves his hands into his pants pocket.

I hate that he views me as this spoiled little rich girl. Maybe I really am. Maybe I don’t know who I am.

I definitely don’t know if I know my own father.

“No,” I smart back. “I just wanted to return to the States, but it doesn’t look like we’re leaving here anytime soon.” I remember what Sebastian said, about how Donovan Sabatini is part of the whole scheme.

“Well, that actually makes me happy.” He smiles, but I can’t muster up the energy to return his smile.


“Let me take you out. We could go get some gelato?”

I shrug a sure response to him, because there’s one thing I know for certain, I want to find out the truth about my father.

My real father.

Tony’s home is located close to the famous Spanish Steps, so it’s a short walk to the gelateria, close to the Fontana di Trevi. It’s still early enough that the streets are filled with people. Most of them couples, roaming to have their own little love adventures on a night like tonight. The stars beam high in the sky, happily shining for everyone to see.

I’m not like them, though. I’m not beaming.

I’m not happy. How can I be?

Focus on the positive, Mia.

The gelato shop is in a corner just in front of the famous fountain. The lights are on and the result is breathtaking.

I can see now why people travel from all over to see this.

“Hope you brought your appetite,” Enzo says. “They have some of the best gelato in the world.”

“That’s quite a bold statement.” I laugh a little. No matter how upset I am, I still need to play the part that I could be interested in Enzo.

I need the truth.

When I left to head off to the gelato shop with Enzo, Sebastian wasn’t happy. But there was nothing he could say. He knows I need to find out the truth on my own. That I have to know.

Enzo orders a pistachio waffle cone and I get a vanilla gelato with a caramel drizzle in a small cup. Correction: a caramel flood. In times like these, a girl needs comfort food. I swear, I could drink caramel straight from the bottle if I didn’t think I’d get completely sick from it.

Or become an instant diabetic.

I love it.

We find an empty booth in the back of the shop. Enzo slides in and I file in on the opposite side.

“I love spending time with you, Gia,” he tells me.

It’s weird answering to a different name. It makes me feel like I’m some super-secret spy and I try to remember this is a part I’m playing. It makes me braver. It makes me have the courage to ask the questions I really need answers to.

“I enjoy your company as well.”

“Tell me all about you.” He sticks his tongue out a bit to lick some gelato that slides down his cone.

“Well,” here’s my chance, and I have to take it, “when we get the money, you know, I plan on opening my own event planning business.” Mixing the truth with the lies makes it easier.

“Event planning?”

I nod. “Yes. I love planning events. And,” I smile, “I’m really good at it.”

Enzo laughs, leaning back in his seat a bit. “I can see that about you.”

Oh, please. He hasn’t noticed anything like that about me. He’s noticed my boobs and that’s about it.

“So, I’m hoping with the money we get I can open something small at first.”

“I think it’s a great idea.”

I scoop a big dollop of ice cream onto my spoon and shove it into my mouth. “Thanks,” I say once I survive the brain freeze from my actions.

Tags: Logan Chance Erotic