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ing I needed and here I am. Now that you have the entire story, do you want to tell me what you need?”

Stepping toward him, Sophie smiled and tipped her head back. “You’re a remarkable man.”

Zach lowered his brows. “That’s what you needed to tell me?”

Still smiling, Sophie gently squatted down and ran her hand over the head of the beautiful Lab. Completely ignoring the slight twinge in her hip, she stroked the soft, golden fur and wondered how many times Zach had done something like this without a soul knowing. Because that would be his way. He’d play hero to anyone and anything and expect zero recognition. In fact, he most likely hated that she’d witnessed him being so selfless.

“I wanted to see those binders of Chelsea’s, if you don’t mind,” she said, throwing a glance over her shoulder. “I figured while you were working on the main renovations, I could be getting things in place and seeing what I can do to save money regarding the decorating and finishing touches. I know we’re a long way off, but I have some connections, and with home sales, I’m always finding cheap buys of furniture and odds and ends.”

“They’re in the living room. You can have them.”

Sophie gave the now sleeping dog one last stroke before she went to stand. That twinge earlier turned into a full-fledged shooting pain, and Sophie hissed as she froze before she could even stand.

In an instant, Zach was at her side, his arms wrapping around her. “Don’t move. Just lean against me.”

She had no choice. It was either lean on him or fall on her butt. She’d really like to save this outfit and her pride.

“Sorry,” she muttered, hating once again how her humiliation liked to rear its ugly head around him. “I just moved wrong, that’s all.”

“If I help, can you stand?” he asked, his breath tickling the side of her face.

Sophie nodded and gritted her teeth as he slowly eased her up, taking her weight back onto his body as his arms remained locked around her.

They fit. As if clicking into place perfectly without even trying, they fit together like nothing she’d ever experienced. That hard, broad chest against her back had her practically melting into him. She’d never felt this level of desire with another man, certainly not the man she’d been in a relationship with for the past several months. She hated to compare the two, because they were polar opposites on the man-scope, but how could she not?

“Do you need me to carry you to the couch?”

Sophie closed her eyes. “No. Just give me a second.”

The pain in her hip had definitely lessened. The second she requested was purely selfish, purely for her own enjoyment. Sophie hated playing games, but she just wanted one more moment with his arms wrapped around her. One more moment not worrying about why Zach kept pushing her away. For right now, he was everything she needed, but saying so would cause him to close off even more and she needed him open, she needed him to be as raw and exposed as she was.


That tone did amazing things to her body, her heart. Still, this wasn’t what she’d come here for, and she wouldn’t be throwing herself at him each time they came together. He wanted to distance himself from feelings he was obviously fighting, and she refused to be that woman who kept trying to gain his attention.

Which meant no more melting into his arms. She’d have to stand on her own two feet, no matter the pain in her hip. Damn it, that shooting pain came at the most inopportune times.

“I’m okay,” she assured him, easing away from the comfort of his embrace. “Hardly a twinge now.”

Pasting on a smile, she smoothed her hands down her simple silk blouse and pencil skirt before she turned to face him. Those dark brows were drawn in again as his eyes assessed her. This was the precise reason she refused to lean on him, to use her slight handicap as a crutch to gain more attention. She’d never be that girl.

“The binders?” she reminded him, hoping to pull him from the guilt he most likely flooded himself with. “I have an open house soon, and I need to get there early.”

Zach hesitated, then nodded. When he turned and left the room, Sophie exhaled a breath and applauded her performance and her self-control. It would’ve been so easy to use Zach’s remorse to gain his undivided attention, but she wanted him to look at her and not see the night of the accident, not see the mistake he made or the year he spent in prison. She wanted him to look at her and see a woman. Not his sister’s best friend, not anything other than a woman who was attracted to a stubborn, hardheaded man.

Glancing down at all the sleeping puppies again, Sophie crossed to the sink in the corner to wash her hands. While she loved animals, she didn’t necessarily want to go to the open house smelling like a dog. Although a cute puppy sleeping on the living room rug would make for a picturesque setting and tug on some family’s heartstrings.

She’d love to take a pup for herself, but she wondered how Flynn would accept a newcomer . . . probably not very well at all, considering he’d had the run of the house for years now.

By the time Sophie made it into the living room, Zach had stacked the thick black binders on the coffee table.

“Just keep them,” he told her, crossing his arms over his still bare chest. “If I need them I’ll let you know, but it’s going to be a while before I can focus on her designs and plans.”

Sophie crossed to gather the binders. “Thank you for not pushing me away on this project. Helping with this really makes me feel close to Chelsea. I’m just not ready to part with you guys just yet.”

She laughed as she reached for the binders, but Zach placed a hand on her forearm. Her eyes darted to his scarred hand moments before he snatched it away.

“What do you mean, part with us?” he asked, standing way too close for her emotional comfort.

Tags: Jules Bennett The Monroes Romance