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Eventually, I’d learned to love those parts of myself I’d once hated. Which I guessed was what true womanhood was about. Not wishing for more curves, less fat, more hair or whatever it may be. Welcoming and celebrating the body we were given.

I liked my light skin, my hair, my delicate features. Liked that I could look soft and gentle, but I could still have a backbone, my own voice. Liked it when my personality surprised men who thought they could control me.

Was that what Jay had been attracted to? Was that why he’d pulled me off the dance floor? Because he was a man who yearned to control women, and I looked like an easy target?”

I touched up my lipstick.

No, I thought not.

Jay struck me as someone much more perceptive than that. And I’d made it clear just how iron my backbone was during our first meeting.

I suspected that the only reason Jay was pursuing me such as he was was because I was not as I’d originally seemed. Not meek and soft.

Which was why I’d worn the naked dress.

My hair was up in a messy bun, curled tendrils brushing my bare shoulders, showing just how soft and flawless my skin was. Not without effort, of course. Which was precisely why I was showing them off. The new muscles that I’d gained this past month pleased me. On some level, I’d wanted them to please him too. To serve as some kind of symbol that I wasn’t going to seek the solace of his strong and muscled arms—I had my own.

And, of course, there was the simple fact that I looked sexy as all hell, and I wanted him to drool over me, just a little. I wanted to see a spark of desire in his eyes. Wanted to awaken something.

My phone buzzed as I was putting my YSL credit card case into my vintage Dior. My stomach dipped with nerves I’d been feeling all day.

I hadn’t told any of my girlfriends about this dinner. Not even Zoe. Or Wren, who had been drilling me about Jay since the altercation with Karson. I’d tried to divert her questions to those of my own about the looks passed between them. She’d become uncharacteristically defensive about such questions and had since disappeared off to the Caribbean with her prince.

I suspected there was a story there too. One she didn’t want to share. Not yet at least.

I hadn’t wanted to share about my plans with Jay because I didn’t know what kind of story it was going to be yet. Or maybe I did, and I just didn’t want to have to lie to my friends and say it was only a dinner. That I’d planned on thanking him, telling him I wasn’t interested in any of his arrangements.

A noble lie.

One I couldn’t bring myself to tell.

Even to myself.

I was going to agree to it. The arrangement. Even though I hadn’t heard the complete terms. Even though I didn’t know how far this would take me over the edge. Maybe all the way.


Jay didn’t speak to me when I got in the car that was waiting at the curb.

He wasn’t driving. That surprised me. This man who seemed like he needed to be in control of everything. I definitely didn’t think he’d trust the unfamiliar man driving the large SUV he’d picked me up in. But then again, I didn’t really know him.

I didn’t know if it was out of the ordinary to have someone drive him around. Didn’t know whether it was normal for him to not say a word to me when I got into the car looking pretty damn good.

It pissed me off and made me resolute not to speak first. The silence was cutting, and I could barely breathe around the tension between us.

“Wait, we just missed the exit for Luka’s,” I pointed out, squinting to my left and forgetting the vow of silence I’d taken when I got in the car.

Hands were suddenly at my chin, yanking me around to face Jay. He’d moved closer to me while I was gauging where we were going.

The way he looked at me caused me to lose my breath. His grip wasn’t gentle. Nor was the energy radiating off him. My stomach throbbed with arousal.

“You think you can wear a dress like that, and I’m going to walk you into a restaurant and sit across from you for three courses?” he purred.

I swallowed roughly. “I thought you were meant to woo me, ease me in to this,” I said in less than a whisper.

“Baby, your nipples are staring at me right now, your panties are drenched. You made the decision to look the way you look. You don’t need to be eased in to it.”

His lips were inches from mine. His cologne was expensive, leathery. Breath hot and minty. My entire body paused at his proximity, in anticipation of tasting him. Of him devouring me.

Tags: Anne Malcom The Klutch Duet Erotic