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"Poppy had just acquired a rescue dog, Yogurt, a few weeks ago. She'd left the dog with a dog walker, claiming she would be back within an hour. But has not shown to collect her dog.

"For reasons unknown to anyone, including her own mother, Poppy had spent the three days before her disappearance staying in a hotel room with her dog in Werebridge.

"The hotel room has been searched, and her possessions taken in for analysis. But there seem to be no leads at this moment.

"Poppy's car that she drove to the NBPD has not been recovered, nor does anyone have any clues as to her whereabouts.

"I am reaching out to this community for help. Much like Poppy has aided in countless unsolved cases over the years, bringing justice, and even bringing home missing persons, I am asking all of you to get on the case. You have all been integral in other cases, helping us and law enforcement track down leads.

"I am begging you all, each and every one of you, to stop what you are doing right now, and help us try to locate Poppy.

"As you all know, time is of the essence in cases like this. And it is already not on our side.

"I will be monitoring my inboxes and comments very closely for important information. But I also urge you to reach out to the task force I have listed in the description box below if you believe you have any information to help investigators locate Poppy.

"Let's bring her home, guys."

Chapter Fourteen


It wasn't every day you saw a local member of the police department storming up the front steps of our office building.

To be fair, it wasn't rare.

We saw them for many reasons.

Including when Quin was passing them money to keep their noses out of our business.

But that was different.

This was Detective Lloyd who, as everyone in the town knew, was straight. He couldn't be corrupted. Though, much like his predecessor, Detective Collings, it was understood that while Lloyd could not be bribed, he also had an understanding about how things worked in Navesink Bank. He didn't go out of his way to hassle any of the organizations, so long as they kept their business off his streets. He focused instead on the other types of crime, which could always be counted on to be in abundance as well.

And, when cops did show up at the office, they didn't seem like they were intent on tearing the whole place down as they ripped open the front door, and stormed inside.

"You," he roared, making a beeline for me.

I think we were all too shocked by his behavior even to move, to react.

The next thing I knew, his hand was around my throat as he slammed me back against the wall.

"Whoa!" Gunner yelled, moving closer.

"What the fuck, Lloyd?" Quin asked.

"Oh, this is exciting," Bellamy's twisted ass declared.

And, for the win, Rosie moved in from the hallway, and in a surprisingly cold and authoritative voice, declared. "Detective, I am going to need you to get your hand off of my client's neck."

"Where is she?" Lloyd demanded, ignoring all of them. "Where the fuck is she? I sent her to you because I fucking trusted you would do the right thing. Where the fuck is she?"

"Lloyd, what the fuck?" Quin asked, moving in at our side, reaching out to grab the detective's arm.

"I don't think I need to remind you that this is assault, detective," Rosie chimed in.

"What the fuck is going... oh," Nia said, coming to a stop in the hallway, something keen and knowing in her eyes. "Right."

"Right, what?" Gunner asked.

"Where is she, you bastard?" Lloyd demanded, fingers tightening around my throat. "Did she disappear like the rest of them? Because she was onto you assholes? Where is she?"

It was right that moment that it all clicked.

"Poppy," her name gasped out of me with what little air I had left.

"Yes, Poppy. I sent her to you for clarification on something. And now she's fucking missing. Where is she?"

"Okay, enough," Quin said, going to push Lloyd off of me.

He wasn't fast enough. Because fucking Holden came out of nowhere to headlock the detective, not seeming to give a fuck about repercussion. But he wasn't exactly a "worry about repercussions" sort of man.

"Where's Poppy?" I asked as soon as I could suck in air.

"That's what I am here to find out," Lloyd said, wincing as Holden bent him backward a bit. "I sent her here. And now she's missing."

"She's missing?" I asked, not quite letting myself believe it, not wanting to believe it. She couldn't be missing. Pissed off, hiding away for a while, sure, but not missing.

"She is," Nia confirmed. "I literally just heard it on the Alex is on the Case podcast.

"Okay, who the fuck is Poppy?" Gunner demanded to know.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Professionals Billionaire Romance