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His eyes flickered with madness. “My little Devil,” he whispered against my lips. “Do you need me to feed your demons?”

I shook my head. “I want to kiss you until I fall asleep.”

Luca clutched the side of my face with his big hand and crushed my lips with a kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, tangling with mine. He wove his fingers through my curls, his touch soft and loving. It was so unusual to see this side of Luca. A wave of excitement raced down the length of my body as I wrapped my leg around him and rocked my hips.

He grabbed my hand, moving it over top of his rock-hard cock that poked through the slit on his black Dolce & Gabbana boxer briefs. “You drive me crazy, baby,” he whispered between kisses.

“Luca,” I moaned. “What happened to just kissing?”

He laughed, then dipped his hand between my thighs. “I am just kissing you.”

“No, you’re not.” I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth as he shoved his hand down my shorts and rolled his thumb over my clit. “Oh, God… Luca. Mmm…”

“I know you need a release, baby,” he said in a husky voice that made my skin burn. “Let me take care of you.”

My resolve faded with each second he rubbed my clit, ripping another moan from my throat. I tugged on my shorts, and he helped me shove them over my hips. After I kicked them off, I flipped onto my back and spread my legs. Luca didn’t waste a second, quickly moving between them with a greedy look in his eyes.

He caged me against the mattress and pushed up my shirt. A cool breeze blew in from the open French doors, causing my nipples to pebble. Luca bit my bottom lip as he teased my wetness with his finger. I arched my back, and Luca groaned, kissing me harder as he deepened the kiss.

With each of his hot kisses, he branded my skin. We kissed for what felt like hours, his fingers working their magic between my legs. Luca was never sweet or gentle with me, but he wasn’t his rough and possessive self. Something had changed in his usual caveman demeanor.

As our lips separated, he helped me pull my shirt over my head. I threw it across the room and heard it hit something that fell onto the floor with a crash. Maybe another vase Luca would replace like he did the last time I broke everything in the room.

Studying me with a crazed look in his eyes, he stared down at my breasts, his slow perusal traveling down the length of my body. He grunted as he watched his fingers move inside me, his eyes widening with each thrust. He stuck out his tongue, peeking up at me as he licked my nipples, sucking them into his mouth. For a moment, he became the man I’d always wanted him to be.

Gentle, soft, loving…

Was he capable of this?

He massaged my nipple between his fingers as his tongue glided along my skin, bringing me seconds away from an orgasm. I could feel it building with each flick, heat coiling in my belly as he massaged my inner walls with care. Luca crawled down my body, and with his head between my legs, I practically unraveled.

His tongue rolled over my throbbing clit, dipping between my slick folds. He spread me open with his tongue, igniting every pleasure point in my body at once. My skin pricked with bumps, a mixture of cold and warmth spreading down my arms and legs.

An orgasm commanded control of my body, forcing my legs to shake uncontrollably. Luca held me down as he licked me aggressively, his tongue taking me to new heights. With his hand on my breast, he made a slow sweeping motion over my nipple, and as if he willed it, I came so damn hard I couldn’t stop trembling until long after he’d removed his fingers and tongue.

I reached between us and grabbed his cock, his shaft long and hard and growing even harder in my hand. He kicked off his boxers and positioned himself between my thighs.

“Go slow,” I say right before he kissed me.

“Whatever my queen wants,” he whispered, his warm breath fanning against my lips, “she will get.”

As he inched inside me, he ran his fingers down my thigh and took his time breaking through my inner walls. He hadn’t been this gentle with me since he took my virginity, and I was soaking up every second. In the past, when I’d asked him to make love to me, he’d ignored my requests and taken me with his usual roughness. Maybe it was Marcello’s near-death experience or his fear of losing me, but I was glad he was finally giving me the one thing I wanted.

Tags: Jillian Quinn Devil's Knights Billionaire Romance