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He closed the door on his brother then and walked back to the bed where I sat. He pulled me to my feet and cupped both my cheeks, making shivers run through me.

“I never dreamed you could love me, Zee. I never did. I gave up hoping.”

I didn’t reply.

“I love you too. I should have told you when I married you. I should have told you at dinner, before they…” He shook his head. “I should have protected you better. I should have protected what I love more than anything.”

My heart raced and my skin warmed as I stared into his eyes. I looked for something—anything—to negate his words.

But all I saw was love. Pure love.

Reid Wolfe loved me. Troubled and broken me. He loves me.

His lips claimed mine once more. We were alone in this room, and I wanted it. I wanted it all. I wanted his cock inside me, his lips on every inch of me. And I… I wanted my lips on every inch of him as well.

But Rock… And Diamond…

I pulled away and broke the kiss.

“What is it, baby?” he asked.

“Where am I? And what am I doing here? So many questions, Reid. And Rock is right outside.”

“Fuck Rock. And fuck everything else.”

“No.” I shook my head. “As much as I love you and want you this instant, we need to see to business. Right? What is this place, and why did someone bring me here?”

He pressed his lips to my cheek. “I think I just fell in love with you even more.”

Then a knock on the door.

Reid groaned, stood, and opened it. His brother stood in the doorway.

“Hey,” he said. “Diamond says her son won’t be back here for a few days. She’s going to show me around this place and give me the scoop. Remy will drive us. So…you two will be alone. For a few hours. But that’s it, Reid. That’s it. So make it fucking count.”

“I should go with you.”

“For Christ’s sake, bro, I’m trying to help you here. Just take the gift, all right? Take it, because when I come back, we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

Reid nodded and murmured, “Thanks,” before closing the door. “Does this thing lock?” he asked me.

“It does, but only from the outside. Diamond locked me in.”

“She did?” his cheeks reddened.

“She did, but she was protecting me.”

He inhaled deeply, as if trying to calm himself down. “I hate the thought of you being imprisoned like this.”

“I’m not fond of it either, but no one harmed me. I swear to you.”

“So we can’t lock ourselves in.”


He gripped my shoulders. “I’m going to make love to you, Zee. I’m going to fuck you hard. Then I’m going to fuck you slow. Then, I’m going to start all over again and again until Rock knocks on that door. And since we can’t lock it, anyone can walk in on us at any time. Are you good with that?”

Not only was I good with it, the idea turned me on, though I had no idea why.

I nodded.

“Tell me,” he said. “Tell me you want me to make love to you. To fuck you. To cover every inch of your body with my lips, teeth, and tongue. Tell me, Zee. I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes,” I sighed softly. “I want all of that. All of that and more. I want every part of you touching every part of me. I love you, Reid. I love every part of you.”

“God, I love you too. So fucking much.” He tangled his fingers in my hair. “Your hair is so soft, so beautiful. God, I’ve missed you. I was so afraid… So afraid I’d never see you again. Never get to tell you—”

And his lips came down on mine once more.



I owed my brother a good fuck. He’d found his love, and if the tables had been turned and I’d found Lacey, nothing and no one would have stopped me from being with her.

I sat in the front seat with Remy, and we were ready to depart to God knew where, when my burner phone buzzed with a number I didn’t recognize.

“Yeah?” I said.


“Who wants to know?”

“This is Buck Moreno, Reid’s PI.”

“You’re the SEAL. Why aren’t you calling him?”

“He gave me this number and said to call you if he ever didn’t answer.”

Yeah, I bet he didn’t answer. “He’s indisposed at the moment. What can I help you with?’

“I’ve got some sensitive intel. Is this line secure?”

Yeah, the line was secure, but I still didn’t trust Remy and Diamond. They seemed okay, but appearances could deceive. I knew that better than anyone now, thanks to Hoss, Manny, and Nieves.

I turned to Remy. “I’ve got to take this. Give me a few minutes.” I exited the jeep and walked about a hundred yards away.

Tags: Helen Hardt Wolfes of Manhattan Erotic